Voter turnout was 76.67% of the 8,929,969 registered voters. General elections were held in Tanzania on 29 October and 29 November 1995. Le Chama cha Mapinduzi (CCM) a remporté toutes les élections présidentielles et législatives depuis l'instauration du multipartisme en 1992, que ce soit au niveau national ou à Zanzibar (les premières élections multi-partis datent de 1995 et ont lieu tous les 5 ans). Since independence, Tanzania has been ruled by 4 Presidents, namely; the late Mwalimu Julius Kambarage Nyerere (1961-1985), H.E. Retrouvez The 1995 General Elections in Tanzania et des millions de livres en stock sur Both of these shortcomings had a negative impact on the ability of the NEC to effectively carry out its role. As a result, first-time elections are often less than perfect when held to the standard of elections in established multiparty democracies. Ali Hassan Mwinyi CCM. Progressive Party of Tanzania – Maendeleo,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Elected by Zanzibar House of Representatives, This page was last edited on 22 February 2021, at 11:33. Elected President. Became a cabinet minister in 2000. This is a path Tanzania has followed for the past 25 years, since it first held its first multiparty elections in 1995. Registered Voters: 8,929,969.,_1995 Delays in poll openings, missing tally sheets, discrepancies in vote tabulations and lack of cooperation by ZEC officials introduce more than reasonable doubt over the outcome. In Chapter X of this report, IFES posits recommendations in eight areas observed (some have been mentioned above; all are discussed in the body of the report): the general need for transparency and openness to public scrutiny; the need to guarantee the rights of voters; the need to provide for a well-organized place to vote; voter education; campaign activity by parties and candidates; the accuracy of counting and tabulation; Tanzania's fulfillment of the general responsibilities of the state in organizing elections; and the overall impact of systemic and procedural strengths and weaknesses on the fairness and legitimacy of the electoral process. First elected as an MP in 1995. Studied chemistry and maths at the University of Dar es Salaam. 1995 Tanzanian general election. Ali Hassan Mwinyi (1985-1995) Mwinyi was born on May 8, 1925 in Kivure, Tanzania and served as the country’s second president. The NEC also lacked adequate human resources (full-time commissioners and experienced returning officers, in particular) and adequate financial resources (in timely disbursement of funds from the Government of Tanzania to the NEC). For the National Assembly election there were two candidates from the same party in each constituencies, whilst the presidential election was effectively a referendum on CCM leader Ali Hassan Mwinyi's candidacy. These include the adequate protection of the rights of citizens to register without discrimination, to cast a secret ballot free from intimidation, and to have his or her vote given equal weight to all others; and the rights of parties to 'form, to assemble, and to disseminate information freely, to access the media without discrimination, and to appeal denial or restriction of these rights. The opposition in the semi-autonomous Indian Ocean archipelago claims, with backing from international observers, that the ruling party has cheated its way to victory in every poll since 1995, the first vote since the reintroduction of multiparty elections. President John Magufuli has taken the biggest majority since multi-party elections began in 1995. Elections in Zanzibar are always contentious and often violent. The International Foundation for Election Systems (IFES) carried out an observation of the 1995 Tanzanian elections, which include the October 22 local, House of Representatives and Presidential elections in Zanzibar, and the October 29 Union Presidential and Parliamentary elections (continued on November 19 in Dar es Salaam). Following the restoration of multi-party politics in 1992, it has retained its popularity and the voters' confidence, winning all of the past five general elections (held in 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015). Chadema, NCCR-Mageuzi, and CUF are some other opposition parties represented in the National Assembly The next general election in Tanzania will be in 2020. For more information, see our Privacy Policy. Dar es Salaam — Zanzibar's General Election was held on October 22, 1995 and results announced on Thursday October 26 by the Zanzibar Electoral Commission. This article seeks to assess the emerging party system in Tanzania and examines the question of whether the competition that emerged represents an expansion of political choice for citizens and a broader representation of societal forces. He won election to parliament in 1995 and held several cabinet posts before the ruling Chama Cha Mapinduzi party chose him as its candidate to succeed President Jakaya Kikwete in 2015. First elected president in 2015. In Chapter VII of this report, both ZEC and opposition results are discussed. Votes Cast: 6,846,681 (76.67% of Registered Voters) Valid Votes: 6,512,745 (95.12% of votes cast) Null Votes: 333,936 (4.88% of votes cast) CANDIDATE. 1995 Tanzanian general election Last updated June 02, 2020. The deficiencies in administration and logistics that characterized the Union election and caused the Dar es Salaam polling to be canceled and rescheduled, were a blow to morale and confidence that the public, not unjustly, laid at the doorstep of the NEC. At the previous general elections held in October 1990, the Revolutionary Party of Tanzania (Chama cha Mapunduzi - CCM) won all parliamentary seats as the sole legal party. IFES observations over three months in Tanzania also point to serious shortcomings in the performance of both commissions in the field of civic education. The 2005 vote was also marke… However, there are minimum standards to which any election should be held. The delegation totaled 25 observers for the October 29 elections; smaller numbers observed the October 22 elections in Zanzibar and the November 19 elections in Dar es Salaam. The first multi-party elections for the Zanzibar Presidency and the House of Representatives were held in October 1995, a week before the Union elections. Last elections. This is especially true of the ZEC, where a lack of confidence in the ZEC's independence from influence of the President of Zanzibar and of the ruling party was much stronger than concerns expressed about the NEC's independence. IFES acknowledges the difficulties encountered by any country undergoing its first national multiparty elections after decades of single-party rule. Overall throughout the process, IFES was encouraged by the determination of the Tanzanian citizens to participate in a multiparty election. Achetez neuf ou d'occasion In the 1995 election 8.9 million people registered. Nevertheless, the CCM retained its control of the country, with its candidate Benjamin Mkapa winning the presidential election, and the party winning 186 of the 232 constituencies. Assembly: Tanzania has a unicameral National Assembly (Bunge) with 357 seats. 100% (1/1) CCM Party of … The NEC mounted a limited voter education campaign, using a variety of media. Des élections législatives sont organisées simultanément. This was the sixth general election since the reintroduction of multiparty politics in the country in 1992, with the first election held in 1995. ; 23 novembre : en Tanzanie, l’ancien parti unique CCM remporte les élections législatives et présidentielle. The official results from Zanzibar and the inauguration of Salmin Amour as President are still being contested months after the election. IFES found that the Governments of Tanzania and Zanzibar did not endow the commissions with all the necessary resources to carry out the organization of free and fair elections. ''election day'' in relation to an election in any constituency means the day appointed under section 46 or any day substituted therefor in accor. The number of constituencies was increased from 119 to 130. But elections are only part of the institutional fabric of a democracy. Tanzanians vote in elections marred by accusations of fraud. The State generally and the Electoral Commissions in particular had responsibility for informing the electorate about the procedures and substance of the 1995 electoral process. They proved to be a straight PARTY/VOTES (%ofvalid) The goal of the report is to make a positive contribution to both the domestic and international audiences' understanding of the Zanzibar and Tanzania elections, so that a more accurate evaluation can be made of the fairness and legitimacy of the 1995 electoral process, and so that procedural problems and systemic weaknesses can be identified for correction in future multiparty elections in Tanzania. It brought to an end the intense debates during the preparation for the elections. Le Chama cha Mapinduzi (CCM) a remporté toutes les élections présidentielles et législatives depuis l'instauration du multipartisme en 1992, que ce soit au niveau national ou à Zanzibar (les premières élections multi-partis datent de 1995 et ont lieu tous les 5 ans). General elections were held in Tanzania on 29 October and 29 November 1995.wikipedia. 1995 Tanzanian general election ← 1990: 29 October 1995 2000 → Nominee: Benjamin Mkapa: Augustino Mrema: Party: CCM: NCCR–Mageuzi: Popular vote: 4,026,422: 1,808,616: Percentage: 61.82%: 27.77%: President before election. Benjamin Mkapa devient président de la République (fin en 2005). CCM also won a substantial majority in the parliamentary elections. The October 1995 Presidential and Parliamentary elections in Tanzania marked an important milestone in the country's transition to multi- party democracy. Both commissions functioned under a cloud of suspicion that they were not sufficiently independent from the interests and the pressures of the ruling party, since members are chosen at the discretion of the President. The Tanzania Election Monitoring Committee was the main national monitoring group that followed the entire process nationally. A country that was once lauded for its progress in democracy has rapidly regressed to authoritarian rule under Magufuli’s watch. Mainland Tanzania and the semi-autonomous Zanzibar are due to hold elections for president, legislators and local officials on Wednesday. With a shift in paradigm come changes in policies and procedures that must be developed and learned by an entire voting public. Depuis les premières élections multipartites en 1995, les résultats de l’opposition n’ont cessé d’augmenter à chaque scrutin. They were the first multi-party general elections after the lifting of the ban on political parties other than Chama Cha Mapinduzi in 1992. Tanzania: October 29, 1995 Presidential Election. Voter turnout was 74.4% of the 7,296,553 registered voters. In assessing whether the voter education goals that the NEC set for itself were adequate, and whether the NEC accomplished its goals, IFES must answer in the negative. By continuing to use our website without changing your settings, you agree to allow us to use cookies and other identifiers. 34 Related Articles [filter] Chama Cha Mapinduzi. Tanzanian President John Pombe Magufuli casts his ballot in Dodoma, Tanzania, October 28, 2020. Noté /5. Benjamin Mkapa CCM. Tanzanian election: Magufuli declared winner in landslide while opposition cries foul . Celebrating the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, New Symptoms, Old Disease: How COVID-19 Has Aggravated Long-Standing Challenges of Election Administration, IFES Supports Strategic and Crisis Communication Training in The Gambia. Inadequate administration, inappropriate secrecy, and general inefficiency marred the process and cast doubt and mistrust over much of the outcome. Tanzania has a dominant-party system with Chama Cha Mapinduzi in power (Status 2020). Based on its own observations in Zanzibar at the time, IFES cannot with any degree of confidence conclude that the presidential election results as announced reflect the choice of voters at the polls. In May 1992, constitutional amendments opened the way to a multiparty political system. Most recently, his administration denied the existence of COVID-19 while its people and many others across the world … Trust in the institution only eroded further after that. Al Haj Ali Hassan Mwinyi (1985 – 1995); H.E. Born in Chato, north-west Tanzania, in 1959. (Reuters) Tanzanian President John Magufuli has won a resounding election victory with 84 percent of the votes in a poll his main rival said was riddled with irregularities such as ballot box stuffing. He died on October 14, 1999. L'élection présidentielle tanzanienne de 2020 se tient le 28 octobre 2020 afin d'élire le président de la République unie de Tanzanie ainsi que le vice-président. The observation mission ended with the departure of the remaining member of the delegation from Tanzania on November 23, the day after the announcement of final results of the Union elections. The report is addressed to both Tanzanian and international audiences: the National Electoral Commission and the Zanzibar Election Commission, the Tanzanian public, and the international community interested in the development of multiparty democracy in Tanzania. Le président sortant John Magufuli, éligible pour un second et dernier mandat, est réélu avec plus de 84 % des voix. 1995 1995 general election 1995 parliamentary election first multi-party election first multi-party elections first multi-party elections in 1995 general election Tanzanian general election, 1995. The Attorney General was also an ex-officio member, resulting in a total number of MPs of 285. Tanzanian President John Magufuli, who drew widespread criticism for his denialism of the coronavirus pandemic, has died only five months after he won a second term in a disputed election… Recently retired Chief Justice Francis Nyalali was quoted in the Guardian on May 3 as saying that Tanzania still had a long way to go before attaining free and fair elections and the dissemination of information through independent media. The number of voters who cast their ballots to this quest for participation and for change. In 1995 Tanzania held its first multi-party elections since the 1965 constitution formally established a one-party system. Par continent Afrique. Many steps can and should be taken by the Government, parties, and citizens to improve shortcomings and consolidate gains made in October and November of 1995. IFES observers were unanimous in finding very little evidence of ongoing voter education in the field in the month prior to the election, and in finding a severe lack of knowledge on the part of the electorate, particularly in rural areas, about the elections. Noté /5: Achetez 1995 General Elections in Tanzania de : ISBN: 9789987609079 sur, des millions de livres livrés chez vous en 1 jour 9 avril : réélection d'Alberto Fujimori à la présidence au Pérou. Electoral System : Since the introduction of multiparty elections in 1995, the uses a first-past-the-post system to determine the composition of the National Legislature, with a separate … ; Amérique. Analysts say President John Magufuli is likely to win re-election as opposition alleges ‘widespread irregularities’. 182 of the constituencies were on the mainland, and 50 on Zanzibar. Contexte. These are eight areas in which Tanzanian's can make structural improvements through a number of mechanisms which include continued self evaluation and international assistance. IFES began its observation efforts with the arrival of a staff member in Dar es Salaam in late August. The International Foundation for Election Systems (IFES) carried out an observation of the 1995 Tanzanian elections, which include the October 22 local, House of Representatives and Presidential elections in Zanzibar, and the October 29 Union Presidential and Parliamentary elections (continued on November 19 in Dar es Salaam).

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