[40], Hitler's order for the "Aktion T4" Euthanasia Programme was dated 1 September 1939, the day Germany invaded Poland. Er hat mutig gegen die Ermordung von Behinderten und Geisteskranken durch seine Predigten aus dem Jahre 1941 Stellung bezogen, aber zur Verschleppung und Ermordung der jüdischen Mitbürger hat er geschwiegen. While some clergymen refused ever to feign support for the regime, in the Church's conflict with the State over ecclesiastical autonomy, the Catholic hierarchy adopted a strategy of "seeming acceptance of the Third Reich", by couching their criticisms as motivated merely by a desire to "point out mistakes that some of its overzealous followers committed" in order to strengthen the government. [49] Ian Kershaw called Galen's "open attack" on the government's euthanasia programme in 1941 a "vigorous denunciation of Nazi inhumanity and barbarism". Von Martina Wergin. His opposition to the Nazis, particularly their racism and totalitarianism, began on Easter 1934 and continued unabated. Sandstede, Gerd, Clemens August Graf von Galen (1987) (Sonntag, Franz Peter, 1920 - 1987) Standardized Subjects / Keyword chains: B Galen, Clemens August von 1878-1946 / National Socialism B Galen, Clemens August von 1878-1946 / Catholic church … The social fabric would be affected. Versuch einer historischen Würdigung:~ Die Gestalt und das Wirken des Bischofs Clemens August Graf v. Galen, dessen zwanzigster Todestag den Anlaß des heutigen Ge­ denkens bildet, sind nicht nur in Stadt und Bistum Münster und nicht nur im katholischen Volksteil in lebendiger Erinnerung. Following their first winter semester at Freiburg, Clemens and Franz visited Rome for three months. März. Peter Hoffmann; The History of the German Resistance 1933–1945; 3rd Edn (First English Edn); McDonald & Jane's; London; 1977; p.24, Anton Gill; An Honourable Defeat; A History of the German Resistance to Hitler; Heinemann; London; 1994; p. 60, Ian Kershaw; Hitler a Biography; 2008 Edn; W.W. Norton & Co; London; pp. [55] Galen feared that German Catholics were being relegated to second-class status in Hitler's Germany and believed Hitler was missing the point that the Catholic Church and the state could be aligned against Bolshevism. Born into the German aristocracy, Galen received part of his education in Austria-Hungary from the Jesuits at the Stella Matutina School in the town of Feldkirch. [60] In his résumé, Kuropka emphasized the uniqueness of the brochure distribution and the prayer campaign in Galen's diocese of Münster. can destroy the other commandments as well. 1878. Graf von Galen. [21] Galen often protested against violations of the Concordat to Hitler directly. Bluse von Clemens en August. Herr Rosenberg must be taken seriously if the German situation is to be understood. Clemens August Graf von Galen: Herkunft und Werdegang. His views on Communism were largely formed as a consequence of the Stalinization and relentless persecution of Christians within the Soviet Union after 1918, during which virtually all Catholic bishops were either killed or forced underground. On August 3, 1941, he grounded his sermon on the biblical commandment not to kill: The first batch of innocent folk have left Marienthal under sentence of death….And so we must await the news that these wretched defenceless patients will sooner or later lose their lives. After his ordination he worked in Berlin at Saint Matthias. Galen's sermon probably had a greater impact than any other one statement in consolidating anti-'euthanasia' sentiment. Als Gegner der nationalsozialistischen Ideologie war er an den Vorbereitungen der päpstlichen Enzyklika Mit brennender Sorge vom März 1937 zur Lage der katholischen Kirche in Deutschland beteiligt.. Aus altem katholischen Adel stammend, wurde von Galen 1904 zum Priester … [37] He attacked the Gestapo for converting church properties to their own purposes – including use as cinemas and brothels. Bischof Clemens August . Am 3. [21] By early 1937, the church hierarchy in Germany, which had initially attempted to co-operate with the Nazi government, had become highly disillusioned. Das Porträt Clemens August Graf von Galen erschien zuerst in leicht verkürzter Form als WDR-Sendung (11.3.1978), dann gedruckt in "Entscheidungen im Westen", Beiträge zur neueren Landesgeschichte, Bd. Besides, the Archbishop's[clarification needed] orders came from outside the Fatherland, a fact which disturbed us. Galen to his mother, August 3 1914. [42], On 13 July 1941, Galen attacked the regime for its Gestapo tactics of terror, including disappearances without trial, the closure of Catholic institutions without any stated justifications, and the resultant fear imposed on all Germans. [67], After the war, Galen protested against the mistreatment of the German population by the Allied occupation forces. Galen was ordained in 1904 in Münster, where, as a priest at St. Lambert’s, he published his Die Pest des Laizismus und ihre Erscheinungsformen (1932; “The Plague of Laicism and Its Manifestations”), deploring what he deemed the godlessness of post-World War I Germany. Muss... L Versand möglich. März 1946, sondern setzt sich bis heute fort. At the end of the visit he told Franz that he had decided to become a priest though he was unsure whether to become a contemplative Benedictine or a Jesuit. Quotes . "[73], When SS-General Kurt Meyer, accused of complicity in the shooting of eighteen Canadian prisoners of war, was sentenced to death, Galen pleaded for his life to be spared: "According to what has been reported to me, General Kurt Meyer was sentenced to death because his subordinates committed crimes he didn't arrange and of which he did not approve. Nach dem Theologiestudium empfängt er 1904 die Priesterweihe und wird 1933 zum Bischof von Münster ernannt. [20] In 1933, when the Nazi school superintendent of Münster issued a decree that religious instruction be combined with discussion of the "demoralising power" of the "people of Israel", Galen refused, writing that such interference in the school curriculum was a breach of the Concordat and that he feared children would be confused as to their "obligation to act with charity to all men" and as to the historical mission of the people of Israel. Tagungsbericht (Conference Notes): „Streitfall Galen“ – Anfragen, Kontroversen und Antworten, 10.03.2006 – 11.03.2006 Cloppenburg, in: H-Soz-Kult, 10.04.2006, . He told her how the Pope had quoted long passages from Galen's 1941 sermons from memory and how the Pope thanked him for his courage. Euthanasiepredigt des Bischof von Münster Clemens August von Galen vom 3.August 1941 (Predigt zu Lukas 19, 41-47) Autor: von Galen Clemens: Veröffentlichung: Kategorie: predigt: Abstrakt: Publiziert in: # Originalbeitrag für den Leseraum: Datum: 2005-09-02: Inhaltsverzeichnis. [28] Galen was part of the five-member commission that prepared the papal encyclical. [38] He protested against the mistreatment of Catholics in Germany: the arrests and imprisonment without legal process, the suppression of monasteries, and the expulsion of religious orders. Heinz Mussinghoff, Rassenwahn in Münster, Der Judenpogrom 1938 und Bischof Clemens August Graf von Galen, Regensberg Verlag, Münster, 1989, pp. Why? März 1878 in Dinklage, Oldenburger Münsterland; † 22. Predigt Galens „Wieviel Dank ist die Menschheit schuldig diesen Blutzeugen nicht nur des Christenglaubens, sondern auch der Menschenwürde, die sie mit ihrem Blut und Leben verteidigt haben! Kundige Biografie unter einem spezifischen Blickwinkel - Der Autor zeigt wie sich Galens Glaube und... Versand möglich. Pfarrbüro "Maria Königin" [66] Thus when Bishop Galen delivered his famous 1941 denunciations of Nazi euthanasia and the lawlessness of the Gestapo, he also said that the Church had never sought the "overthrow of the Reich government". He expressed his opposition to secularism in his book Die Pest des Laizismus und ihre Erscheinungsformen (The Plague of Laicism and its Forms of Expression) (1932). He described how "the Israelites debased the Savior", and how people who resisted Jesus as the Christ appeared on the "side of the blinded Jews". Clemens August Graf von Galen hatte bereits zu Lebzeiten mit einigen Kontroversen um seine Person zu kämpfen. Im Jahr 2007 wurde vor allem an den heilig gesprochenen Kaiser Heinrich II. Zunächst galt Clemens August Graf von Galen den Nationalsozialisten als staatstreuer Kirchendiener. [32], While the Nazi extermination of Jewish people took place primarily on Polish territory, the murder of people with disabilities (viewed by the nazi regime as "invalid" individuals) became public knowledge because it took place on German soil and interfered directly in Catholic and Protestant welfare institutions. Nach dem Tod von Karl Leisner schrieb Bischof Clemens August Graf von Galen am 4. [27], By late 1935, Galen was urging a joint pastoral letter from the German bishops to protest about an "underground war" against the church. [9] In 1899 he met Pope Leo XIII in a private audience. 16.3.1878 - 22.3.1946 ), deutscher Bischof und Kardinal. März 2021 wird im St.-Paulus-Dom Münster seiner gedacht. Galen did not protest the antisemitic 1935 Nuremberg Laws, or the Kristallnacht pogrom of 1938. The sermons were printed and distributed illegally. When in November 1936 the Oldenburg Nazis removed all crucifixes from the schools, Galen’s protest sparked a public demonstration, and the order was canceled. Clemens August Graf von Galen wurde am 16. Clemens Augustinus Emmanuel Joseph Pius Anthonius Hubertus Marie Graf[2] von Galen (16 March 1878 – 22 March 1946), better known as Clemens August Graf von Galen, was a German count, Bishop of Münster, and cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church. As bishop of Munster, he became known as the "Lion of Munster" … [3], Galen became the pastor of St. Lambert's Church, Münster, where he initially upset some parishioners with his political conservatism. Katholikos Kyriake Sancta Ecclesia de Iesous Christos et Maria Magdalena On 3 August 1941, Galen's third sermon described the continued desecration of Catholic churches, the closing and confiscation of convents and monasteries, and the deportation of mentally ill people to undisclosed destinations, while a notice was sent to family members stating that the person in question had died. He scoffed at marriage ceremonies and funerals conducted before altars dedicated to Wotan, surprising Stroop, who had attended such a ceremony only days before. 67-99. [52] Generalmajor Hans Oster, a devout Lutheran and a leading member of the German Resistance, once said of Galen:[53]. It was one of the first instances where the Reichskonkordat was used by the Church against the government, which was one of the intentions of Pope Pius XI. The library is also dedicated to her memory. v. W. Först, Köln und Berlin 1979. [39] On 3 August 1941, in one of his series of denunciations, Galen declared:[41]. [34] After 1941 the killing continued unofficially, with the total number of deaths estimated at 200,000. [8], Because Prussia did not recognize the Stella Matutina academy, Clemens returned home in 1894 to attend a public school in Vechta and by 1896 both Clemens and Franz had passed the examinations that qualified them to attend a university. Als elftes von dreizehn Kindern wuchs er in der Geborgenheit seiner gläubigen Familie auf. [22][23], In 1934, Bishop Galen began to attack the racial ideology of the Nazi regime, partly poking fun at it, partly critiquing its ideological basis as presented by the Nazi ideologist Alfred Rosenberg. Evans, Richard J. On 13 April 1945, he raised a protest with American military authorities against the mass rape of German women by Allied and particularly Soviet soldiers as well as against the plundering of German homes, factories, research centres, firms and offices by American and British troops.[68][69]. Kardinal Clemens August Graf von Galen in seiner Zeit Münster 2005: Hasenkamp, Gottfried: Der Kardinal – Taten und Tage des Bischofs von Münster Clemens August Graf von Galen Münster 1985: Haunfelder, Bernd / Schollmeier, Axel: Kardinal von Galen. This is murder, he exclaimed, unlawful by divine and German law, a rejection of the laws of God. Reluctant to transform Galen into a martyr, the Nazi government put him under virtual house arrest but deported priests serving in his diocese and took violent retribution against at least three priests who had distributed the sermon. 40. In this atmosphere, Galen sought to be an energetic and idealistic leader of his parish. According to Robert Jay Lifton, "[t]his powerful, populist sermon was immediately reproduced and distributed throughout Germany — indeed, it was dropped among German troops by British Royal Air Force flyers. Clemens August Graf von Galen wurde 1933 zum Bischof von Münster ernannt. Together with Munich's Cardinal Faulhaber and Berlin's Bishop Preysing, Galen helped to draft Pope Pius XI's anti-Nazi encyclical Mit brennender Sorge (With Burning Concern) of 1937. Rom/Münster - Fast 60 Jahre nach seinem Tod ist der als Widerstandskämpfer im Nationalsozialismus bekannt gewordene Kardinal Clemens August von Galen am Sonntag in Rom selig gesprochen worden. Dieser obgleich nur als Vermutung geäußerte Vorwurf der Euthanasie war bereits die dritte Predigt von Clemens August Graf von Galen, in der der Bischof die kirchen- und menschenfeindliche Politik der Nationalsozialisten anprangerte: Am 13. He asked his listeners to be patient and to endure, and said that the German people were being destroyed not by the Allied bombing from the outside, but from negative forces within.[44]. Der Historiker Joachim Kuropka ist tot. [36], In 1941, with the Wehrmacht still marching on Moscow, Galen, despite his long-time nationalist sympathies, denounced the lawlessness of the Gestapo, the confiscations of church properties, and the Nazi euthanasia programme. [70] He repeated these claims in a sermon on 1 July 1945, which was copied and illegally distributed throughout occupied Germany. He criticized the British dismissal of Germans from public service without investigation and trial. [65], In his history of the German Resistance, Theodore S. Hamerow characterised the resistance approach of Galen as "trying to influence the Third Reich from within". Wegen seiner mutigen Predigten gegen die Vernichtung sogenannten „lebensunwerten Lebens“ im Nationalsozialismus wurde der frühere Münsteraner Bischof Kardinal Clemens August von Galen als „Löwe von Münster“ berühmt und 2005 seliggesprochen. He was beatified by Pope Benedict XVI in 2005. als „großen Zeugen des Glaubens … , der in finsterer Zeit das Licht der Wahrheit aufgerichtet und den Mut des Widerstands gegen die Macht der Tyrannei gezeigt hat.“ Von Galen, der kurz vor seinem Tod von Papst Pius XII. Thousands of copies of the sermons were circulated throughout Germany. Corrections? Clemens August Graf von Galen (16 March 1878 – 22 March 1946) was Bishop of Münster from 1933 until his death in 1946. Sie sollen an das Wirken des Kardinals erinnern. [citation needed] Although von Galen boldly spoke out against Nazi policies and the euthanasia programme, an historian alleged that Galen remained silent on other issues such as the roundup, deportation and mass murder of Jews. Parts of a sermon he gave in 1943 are said to have been used by the Nazis to aid in the enlistment of Dutch men to voluntarily join the Waffen SS against the Soviet Union. Clemens August Graf von Galen was beatified on 9 October 2005 outside St. Peter's Basilica by Pope Benedict XVI, the 47th anniversary of the death of Pope Pius (1958). A commanding presence (6 feet 7 inches (2.01 m) tall) — his rooms were furnished simply, he wore unpretentious clothing, and he spoke plainly — he did not like the theatre, secular music (except for military marches), or literature. Clemens August Graf von Galen aus Münster und der Kölner Josef Frings durchlitten eine wahre Odysse auf dem Weg nach Rom. 3. (2009). Clemens en August Bluse Hemd Gr. Zunächst galt Clemens August Graf von Galen den Nationalsozialisten als staatstreuer Kirchendiener. May God reward you for it. He spoke against Hitler's theory of the purity of German blood. August 1941 hielt. In 1941, von Galen delivered three sermons in which he denounced the arrest of Jesuits, the confiscation of church property, Nazi attacks on the Church, and in the third, fiercely condemned the state-approved mass killing in the involuntary euthanasia programme of persons with mental or physical defects (Aktion T4). Nach dem Abitur studierte er in Innsbruck und Münster Theologie und wurde am 28.05.1904 zum Priester geweiht. Unexpectedly, at Christmas 1945 it became known that Pope Pius XII would appoint three new German cardinals: Bishop Clemens August von Galen, Bishop Konrad von Preysing of Berlin, and Archbishop Josef Fringsof Cologne. Clemens August Graf von Galen 1878-1946. Orphaned references in Clemens August Graf von Galen. Galen was named a cardinal on Febuary18, 1946. He condemned the Nazi "worship of race" in a pastoral letter on 29 January 1934. 1: Meine lieben Diözesanen! [46] The local Nazi Gauleiter was furious and demanded Galen's immediate arrest. Den Anstoß zu dem Thema gaben 2015 die gleichnamigen Dinklager Schulen. "[13] For the working class, Catholicism and Social Democracy competed for allegiance. Clemens August Graf von Galen ist bis in unsere Tage eine umstrittene Persönlichkeit. Gehorsam & Gewissen. In an interview with Swiss media, Galen demanded punishment for Nazi criminals but humane treatment for the millions of German prisoners of war who had not committed any crimes and who were being denied contact with their relatives by the British. Münster werd in 1938 de plek van brekend glas. He had become famous and popular, so after the pope had placed the red hat on his head wit… [...] As for the first commandment, "Thou shalt not have strange gods before me," instead of the One, True, Eternal God, men have created at the dictates of their whim, their own gods to adore: Nature, the State, the Nation, or the Race. 1932 veröffentlichte von Galen seine Schrift Die „Pest des Laizismus“ und ihre Erscheinungsformen – Erwägungen und Besorgnisse eines Seelsorgers über die religiös-sittliche Lage der deutschen Katholiken. Blessed Clemens August, Graf von Galen, (born March 16, 1878, Dinklage, Oldenburg, Germany—died March 22, 1946, Münster), Roman Catholic bishop of Münster, Germany, who was noted for his public opposition to Nazism. Clemens August Graf von Galen wurde 1933 zum Bischof von Münster ernannt. There should be a handful of such people in all our churches, and at least two handfuls in the Wehrmacht. Upon graduation, his fellow students wrote in his yearbook: "Clemens doesn't make love or go drinking, he does not like worldly deceit." On October 9, 2005, he was beatified by the church, largely because of his role in opposing the T4 Program. Clemens August Graf von Galen wurde am 16.03.1878 auf der Burg Dinklage im Oldenburgischen Teil des Bistums Münster geboren. And what resolution in his sermons! [38] The sermons protested against Nazi policies such as Gestapo terror, euthanasia, forced sterilization, and concentration camps. "Clemens August Kardinal von Galen" Alte Aufnahmen von den letzten Lebenstagen des Kardinals. Pius replied that he was always aware that thousands of innocent persons would have been sent to certain death if he as pope had protested. Als 11. von 13 Kin­dern wuchs er in der Ge­bor­gen­heit einer gläu­bi­gen Fa­mi­lie auf. Kardinal Clemens August von Galen, Bischof von Münster von 1933 bis 1946, hier dargestellt auf einem Gemälde von Wilhelm Lautenbach. Guter Zustand siehe Fotos. They are the unchangeable and fundamental truths of our social life... Where in Germany and where, here, is obedience to the precepts of God? [75] Generous American cardinals financed his Roman stay, as German money was not in demand. One of his teachers was history professor and noted biblical archaeologist Johann Peter Kirsch. Bischöflicher Wahlspruch Clemens August Graf von Galens. Roman Catholic Cardinal. [10] He chose as his motto "Nec laudibus nec timore", a phase from the liturgy used for a bishop's consecration when the consecrating bishop prays that the new bishop be overcome "neither by flattery nor by fear". Clemens August Graf von Galen. Das Büro ist im Pfarrhaus hinter der Herz-Jesu Kirche. März: Clemens August Graf von Galen wird in Dinklage (Münsterland) als Sohn des Zentrumsabgeordneten Ferdinand Graf von Galen und dessen Frau Elisabeth (geb. [6] One of von Galen's sermons of 1941 was the group's first pamphlet. Documents discovered later showed that the Nazis were close to a decision to hang Galen but decided to wait until they achieved a victory in World War II. He studied at the Theological Faculty and Convent in Innsbruck, founded in 1669 by the Jesuits, where scholastic philosophy was emphasized, and new concepts and ideas avoided. Wie wenig die meisten heutigen Deutschen die ethischen Grundlagen dieses Widerstands teilen, wird für jeden greifbar, der die vollständige Predigt liest, die Clemens August Graf von Galen am 3. He had become famous and popular, so after the pope had placed the red hat on his head with the words: 'God bless you, God bless Germany', Saint Peter's Basilica for minutes thundered in a "triumphant applause" for Galen. Galen was known as a fierce anti-Communist (he later supported the battle by the Axis powers on the Eastern Front against Joseph Stalin's regime in the Soviet Union[18]). Fatima’s heavenly room of true light is now the new home of the universe of the one good God, who does not allow the world anymore in any shore to continue against the truth of His eternal family the most unholy fight! By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. Josef Reding liest; Clemens August Graf von Gahlen". Clemens August Graf von Galen , der zum Kardinal erhobene Bischof von Münster, kehrt am 16. He was buried in the family crypt of the Galen family in the destroyed Cathedral of Münster. At a meeting in Münster of the Association of Catholic Academicians in June 1933, Galen spoke against those scholars who had criticised the Nazi government and called for "a just and objective evaluation of [Hitler's] new political movement". Gräfin Josepha Christina Amalie Schaffgotsch genannt Semperfrei von und zu Kynast und Greiffenstein, 30. Tailliert, ohne Flecken und Löcher. The Third Reich at War. Kardinal Clemens August Graf von Galen in einer Ansprache in Münster im März 1946, wenige Tage vor seinem Tod. He was made bishop of Münster in 1933. [64], While not as explicit and not as effective as the vocal German episcopate's 1941 protests, in September 1943, von Galen and his fellow bishops in Germany drafted another condemnation of Nazi racial persecution and ordered it to be read from all pulpits in the diocese of Münster and across the German Empire, therein denouncing the killing of "the innocent and defenceless mentally handicapped and mentally ill, the incurably infirm and fatally wounded, innocent hostages and disarmed prisoners of war and criminal offenders, people of foreign race or descent". Published: (1986) Juli 1941 hatte er aufgegriffen, dass am Vortag die Niederlassungen der Jesuiten und der Missionsschwestern von der Unbefleckten Empfängnis … Clemens August Graf von Galen. New York City: Penguin. Ring in the new year with a Britannica Membership, This article was most recently revised and updated by, https://www.britannica.com/biography/Blessed-Clemens-August-Graf-von-Galen, Spartacus Educational - Biography of August von Galen, Facing History and Ourselves - Bishop von Galen and the War against the Disabled. Sunday, 9 April 2017. If that were indeed a justification for execution, he reasoned, everybody would have to be afraid to even go to a doctor for fear of what might be discovered. The other man was Clemens August Graf von Galen, a towering giant of a man who later in 1933 was named bishop of Münster. He took a large number of comforting personal messages to their worried families. [39] The resulting local protests in Germany broke the secrecy that had surrounded the euthanasia programme known as Aktion T4. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. [57] Kuropka, referring to Wilhelm Damberg's discovery which in his opinion had not received enough attention so far, pointed out that the diocesan leadership in Münster had instructed all its pastors in June 1938 to recommend a brochure against anti-Semitism titled “The Nathanael Question of Our Days” („Die Nathanaelfrage unserer Tage“) to all faithful to read. Durch seine tiefe Frömmigkeit und seinen Nationalkonservatismus geriet er in den Konflikt mit dem NS-Regime. August 1941 hält Clemens August Graf von Galen in Münster eine unerhörte Predigt: Er wettert gegen den Massenmord der Nationalsozialisten … Clemens August von Galen wirkte von 1906 bis 1929 als Kaplan und Pfarrer in Berlin, bevor ihn Bischof Johannes Poggenburg zum Pfarrer von St. Lamberti in Münster berief. Diese Tatsache endete nicht mit seinem Tod am 22. Bischof. September 1945 an Wilhelm Leisner: "Zum Tode Ihres lieben Sohnes, des hochwürdigen Herrn Karl Leisner, möchte ich Ihnen, Ihrer Frau und Ihren Kindern meine herzliche Teil­nahme aussprechen, – oder eigentlich meinen Glückwunsch: denn ich glaube sicher, Sie haben dem Himmel einen Heiligen geschenkt! "[15] In 1916 and 1917 he welcomed reports that the German military had a plan to colonize Eastern Europe, stating that German Catholics should be moved into the area, especially Lithuania, with the goal not of expelling the Lithuanians, but educating them to think and feel as Germans.[15]. A curse on men and on the German people if we break the holy commandment “Thou shalt not kill” which was given us by God on Mount Sinai with thunder and lightning, and which God our Maker imprinted on the human conscience from the beginning of time! Aufnahmeort: Privathaus der Familie Reding in Dortmund. Februar im Alter von 79 Jahren in Borken im Münsterland, wie „Kirche-und-Leben.de“ im Umfeld der Familie bestätigt wurde. Pfarrer Davis Puthussery. 16. It was concluded positively in November 2004 under Pope John Paul II. Kardinal Clemens August von Galen war jedoch nur einer von vielen Kreuzzugs-Predigern, die von der Kirche selig- bzw. He also expressed his opposition to modernity in his book Die Pest des Laizismus und ihre Erscheinungsformen (The Plague of Laicism and its Forms of Expression) (1932).

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