This is, however, only, one subgroup of all those men who work in professions considered as typically female. In fact, a now-dominant, paradigm frequently leads to a situation where in public debate only, cross-border migration and movements of the ‘global proletariat’ are, perceived as migration. Again, certain privileges intersected here, with specic forms of discriminations and produced a situation where, new political recongurations became possible—in this case, the political, This last example of a woman who lost her citizenship because she, married a ‘non-national’ shows that it can be heuristically produc-, tive, when studying migration, to include those experiences that do, not involve any actual physical movement. power lay in assemblies of all of the adult women residing in a village. In our cooking lessons, we, usually prepared an appetiser, a main course and a dessert, whereas in, to such a heavy meal, I almost fell asleep in the geometry lessons that, It is very interesting to analyse the historical contexts that led to the, introduction of domestic education in Swiss schools. The proportion of women in wage-work is now high by European, standards, as we have seen, but this is mainly because a large number, of these women work part-time (and unemployment is generally low in, in full-time employment. of Economic Citizenship among Skilled Migrant Women in Switzerland, Mirjana Morokvasic, Migration, Gender, Empowerment, in, Geschlecht und Migration in transnationalen Räumen. received a letter from the tax authorities saying that in order to refund overpaid taxes, the details of our bank account were needed. Dall’esodo di, Nevertheless, some social and political rights for women—such as, …und es kamen auch Frauen. At the same time, they needed to be perceived as coming from the inside in order to be, We can nd a similar situation in the even more conservative, Appenzell Innerrhoden. Migrationsforschung und epistemische Teilhabe. Festschrift für Claudia Honegger zum 60. In his tract on the introduction of compulsory domestic schooling, he, argued that the impoverishment of families was not caused by their mea-, gre income, but mainly by the incompetence of housewives: ‘The woman, does not know how to give the man a pleasant home and drives him, to the pub. In summer, the small children would be taken to the elds. innovation that can, at times, result from international, transnational, The philosopher Andreas Cassee, for example, demands that every person should be, free to decide in which country he or she wants to live. On the, national level, in 1959 women’s right to vote was rejected by a two-thirds, rights earlier (in particular the year 1958 is seen as the ofcial date of female. Here again, conceptualising ‘the, immigrant woman’ into an analysis of the women’s movement remains a, Against this background, it would also be of interest to systemati-, cally investigate what happened to those couples in which the woman. Leimgruber, Demokratische Rechte auf Nicht-Staatsbürger ausweiten, in Abbt and Rochel. For, example, when it had to be decided how to spread the holidays over the, whole year, she knew that long Christmas holidays were important for, Italian families, in order to be able to visit their relatives. Andreas Cassee, Bewegungsfreiheit. , New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press 1988, 1. For instance, it has been showed, that in the USA, African-American mothers were more than twice as likely to be employed, New York: Oxford University Press 1999, The same applies to women ‘migrants’ to the. La Berge, Medicalization and Moralization: The Creches of, Such a situation can in fact be observed in relation to German refugees in America and, England and the establishment of kindergartens: ‘In the long run, the suppression of liber, alism in the German states after the abortive attempts at revolution in 1848 beneted the, kindergarten movement, for it led to a widespread emigration of liberal-minded Germans, to America and Western European countries, and in many cases, notably in America and, England, the children of these emigrants became the rst pupils of kindergartners who, were seeking to promote Froebel’s ideas beyond the limits of their own country’. Neue Folge in fünfundzwanzig, Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Schweizerische Ärztezeitung/Bulletin des médecins suisses/, for her philosophical work and in 1999/2000, a path was, Der Doktorhut im Besenschrank. What is very interesting in such constellations are the. they are labelled as wage squeezers and strike-breakers. Afterwards, he lived again in Geneva, probably illegally. Moreover, the professors opening the doors for female students were, mostly German while the rst female professors were of ‘foreign prove-, nance’. According to my mother, the ideas asso-. Auseinandersetzungen um die politische Gleichberechtigung, ‘Gebt den Schweizerinnen ihre Geschichte!’ Marthe Gosteli, ihr Archiv und der überse-, Ausgeklammert - eingeklammert. paper, on the other hand, is a more objective analysis. to universities is due to a suggestion by Professor Nada Boškovska. The establishment of women’s and gender history,, Whereas Switzerland was, as we have seen, a pioneer in making higher, education accessible to women, we will now examine Switzerland as an, extreme latecomer in another domain. My, were buried in the same grave after their death. According to Katharina Walgenbach, the German colonies were there-, fore less places of women’s liberation than scenes of subordination of the, racialized other. Simone, Netzwerken von Migranten und Migrantinnen aus Kerala, Indien, Urmila Goel, Heteronormativity and Intersectionality as Perspective of Analysis of, Gender and Migration: Nurses from India in West Germany, Perspectives on Asian Migration: Transformations of Gender and Labour Relations, adapt to. long-term impact of colonialism on today’s handling of migration, see Francesca Falk, Eine postkoloniale Perspektive auf die illegalisierte Immigration in der Schweiz. Was für eine Wirkung hatte ihr Kampf und wie sieht der lange xenophobe Schatten aus, aus dem sie hinaustraten? Die, In 2015, 2000 people started apprenticeships, With respect to the background of male apprentices in nurser-, Occupations that are considered as typically female are generally. After her Ph.D., she was unable to nd a teaching position. Ottilia Sutter belonged to one of the most well-known local families. / 19.01. The law of 1971 ‘extended the maternity-leave provisions rst introduced in the 1950s, granting women giving birth ve months’ leave at 80 percent of their salaries and the, option of staying out for up to a year at 30 percent’. Helma Lutz, Gender in the Migratory, Conducting research on ‘migrant’ couples, earlier than the man and, as a consequence, had already begun working, outside the home before he arrived, therefore seems likely to prove fr. Access scientific knowledge from anywhere. not until 1959 that the rst national vote on women’s voting rights took, place in Switzerland (rejected by a two-thirds majority) and only in 1990. did the last Swiss canton introduce female suffrage. In addition, in the entry on Nadeschda Suslowa it is stated, that, as a pioneer, she was a role model for many Russian women who, studied in Switzerland in the period leading up to the First the First, as a motor of equal rights is thus erased from history. among these male apprentices, the ratio of young men with a so-called, become important role models and, at the same time, they renegotiate, and redene what masculinity means to them, as they have to nd ways, to manage ‘legitimate subject positions as both childcare workers and as, badly paid, and hence, compared to other professions, the remuneration. The chapter also discusses why the claim that migration has been feminized has gained so much popularity. Einführung Suffrage feminin. sion with the aim of improving the position of women in particular. Christine Zollinger and Thomas Widmer, V. Municipalities: Bounded Possibilities for Gender Equality and Social Cohesion, in Liebig. It comes as no surprise that only a very few girls, at the age of 12, opted for what was, after all, an extra study load. , Zürich: Seismo 2014, 82. so exotic in a small place in the Swiss mountains’. Moreover, the name she chose for the organisation she, founded in order to ght for equal rights, the, idea of establishing clubs providing specialised reading also derived, Marie Goegg-Pouchoulin’s diverse experience of migration was far from a, unique case. While current initiatives are largely private and voluntary, more research on early childhood development and greater activity by public authorities in applying the results of research are proposed. my personal theory, because she was not from Innerrhoden […]’. was a teacher in our village and who lost her job when she got married. potential for new social and political congurations. Historical research is still, students has now overtaken the number of male students in all can-, Of course, in terms of gender equality, Switzerland was not more back-, ward than other countries in every respect. Mariarosa Dalla Costa, sione sociale con ‘Il posto della donna’ di Selma James, Safa Elisa Shaukat, L’approccio di genere alla prova delle migrazioni di stagionali in. had campaigned for the education of women in domestic work, but the. In what follows, see the highly interesting article by Vreni Mock, Ottilia Paky-Sutter. Moreover, tracing the biographies and legacies of the rst, Biederfrauen oder Vorkämpferinnen? Jahrhundert. Furthermore, migration is nowa-, days predominantly negatively connoted, often in contrast to mobility, This can be seen, for instance, when the movement of expats (usually, qualied as white) is called ‘mobility’, while other kind of movements, connected to work are labelled ‘migration’—even if the length of stay. had campaigned for the education of women in domestic work, but the. town of Will refused to seat Italians towards the front of the premises. Nevertheless, the impact of these ‘foreign’ students on. The Encyclopedia of Global Human Migration,, Nach der Flucht: Neue Ideen für die Einwanderungsgesellschaft, As my approach is not intended to lead to, 39, 2 (2013), 183–200; Mimi Sheller and John Urry, The. • Insgesamt werden 12 Leistungsziele gewählt. Research in Switzerland and the. whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microlms or in, any other physical way, and transmission or information storage and retrieval, electronic, adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or, hereafter developed. As a result of. in various forms since the nineteenth century. Vier historische Schlaglichter auf die Zürcher ‘Fremdarbeitersoziologie’. Afterwards, she stayed in the Canton of Ber, her death in 1951. Contemporaries who visited these areas described this in very negative, terms and often claimed that, in the absence of men, the whole commu-. My mother, found the Swiss family law of that time absurd—including its conse-, For instance, a wife required the signature of her husband when mak-, ing larger purchases. For it is not a question of adding a his-, tory of migration to so-called general histor. und Wandel der Bedeutung und Funktionen von der Kinderkrippe als Fürsorgekonzept. And still, core times have not, been generally introduced. Most of the children from work-, ondary school after a year. Moreover, when, studying emigration, its colonial contexts and, in particular, their rela-. Les études des femmes dans les universités suisses, Ein Leben zwischen Tradition und Aufbruch, According to Alexandra Kollontai, her consciousness of the revolutionary aims of the, working movement emerged in Switzerland. Geburtstag. Migration in Basel heute, in Ribbert, hohe Beschäftigungsquote ausländischer Frauen trug vielmehr dazu bei, die Trennung, von Berufs- und Familienarbeit unter den einheimischen Frauen aufrechtzuerhalten’. to be the cause of impoverishment, family breakdown and misery’. In the years 1867–1914, between 5000 and 6000 women from the, rst Swiss university to allow women to attend, the professors open-. Was waren also ihre Sorgen und Hoffnungen? Zugelassen sind Personen aus den Betrieben, welche die fachlichen Mindestanforderungen gemäss SAVOIRSOCIAL erfüllen. Rather, it itself becomes an instrument of the border regime, precisely. Here I will name, only a short selection: André Holenstein, Patrick Kur. On the other hand, in order to, create Christian communities, women were indispensable as wives and, women, among other subjects, as they were trained to become Christian. für Frauenfragen, Eidgenössische Drucksachen und Materialzentrale 1979, 19. To help the temporarily orphaned children, the rst nurseries, were established. Eine Diskussion. Das Buch beleuchtet die Vorgeschichte, die Höhepunkte und die Nachwehen der Schwarzenbach-Initiative gegen die »Überfremdung« der Schweiz aus Sicht derjenigen, die damals ein Schattendasein fristeten. women and their proper roles among colonised and colonisers alike. Der Widerstand gegen die. citizenship in the cantonal parliament at that time. Later, my mother was elected, to the local school board for eight years and to the cantonal parliament, for twelve years. Die Association Internationale des Femmes (1868–, her rst emancipatory ideas—tellingly through a female character who, is English. on the perspective of the beholder, innovation doesn’t necessarily have a, positive connotation—in fact, the term ‘social innovation’ long had pejo-, rative connotations, describing deviant behaviour and especially socialist, connoted, I nonetheless intend to reverse the usually negative framing of. Gesellschaftsforschung, in Yildiz and Hill, chapter’s Creative Commons license, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line, to the material. The publisher remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published, This Palgrave Pivot imprint is published by the registered company Springer Nature, The registered company address is: Gewerbestrasse 11, 6330 Cham, Switzerland, For Anna and Vian—and for everyone who cared for them while, My special thanks for their help in drafting this book go to Cenk. development. mental to the functioning of capitalism. With the effects of the rst and second oil crisis, the situation changed. Akdoganbulut, Sarah Baumann, Simone Bleuer, Kijan Espahangizi, Marcel Falk, Hans Fässler, Donna Gabaccia, Hansjörg Höchner, Paola, Höchner-Gallicani, Rohit Jain, Chad Jorgenson, Elisabeth Joris, Sherry. Zürich: Hans Rohr 1987, 14. The women’s votes were, however, collected in a sepa-, rate ballot box and never formally counted. In her interview with Nentwich, a woman active. experiences my mother had when she rst moved to Switzerland were, an important reason for her engagement in political activities. No matter how many degrees you have, you are simply “the, mother of…”’ Dinahlee Obey Siering, Ich bin in einem Land aufgewachsen, in welchem die. If many scholars today rightly point out that migration is, to be understood as normal in history, we must not, however, lose, sight of the consequences of an effective policy of sedentariness. Not only the terminology, but also childcare provision itself varies greatly within Switzerland. Prescher, Der Beitrag deutscher Immigranten zur Demokratieentwicklung in der Schweiz, the radar, another picture appears. , Urbana: Chicago University of Illinois Press 1988, 271–316, It is therefore not a coincidence that people, , Wien: VfmK 2017, 89–111; Kijan Espahangizi, The Granddaughter’s. And although, the concept of mobility often functions as a generic term and is there-, fore understood in a broader sense, there is no clear demarcation line, In this context, see also Jeffrey Herbst, Migration, the Politics of Protest, and State. The feminist and postcolonial perspectives of ‘intersectionality’ and participatory research are used to understand how and why inequalities in the labour market occur. In, an interview, she recounted the following incident: ‘Once, when I was. From the example of the hard-working housewife, who is happy to get away with a mere fteen-hour day, the family will. In this context, Regina, Römhild rightly pointed out that only when research focuses on the, entire social spectrum of migration can it show that social and polit, ical inequality prevails not only between ‘migrants’ and ‘locals’, but, Regina Römhild, Jenseits ethnischer Grenzen. In addition, von Roten lived in the USA for a year, where, she conceived and drafted her soon-to-become notorious book, Not only her writing beneted from her experience abroad, but also, the political strategies that she and her husband employed in campaign-, mountain village in the Swiss canton of V, pate in a national referendum on the question of whether civil defence. Paying particular attention to, such indirect migration experiences thus allows us to see how migration, policies affect far more people than those who are usually considered as, ‘migrants’. Laura Agustin, Forget Victimization: Granting Agency to Migrants, however, many facets of the historical relationship between gender and, migration remain unexplored. und Gesellschaftsforschung, in Yildiz and Hill, Perspektiven jenseits der Parallelgesellschaft, For new mobilities paradigm, see for example Thomas Faist, The Mobility Turn: A New. Michael Hermann, Mario Nowak, and Lorenz Bosshardt, Sie wollen beides. In a report published in 1976 by the ‘Federal Advisor, Commission for the Foreigner Problem’, it was acknowledged, for, instance, that the employment rate among married foreign women was, relatively high. (1 August 2017). Instead, all elds of society have to be looked at differently: democracy, agricul-, ture, or, as is the case here, gender equality, ily a history of migration, which can be found in books that specically, address this topic, but a ‘migrantisation’ of our understanding of the, the point of view of a sedentary bias, then it inevitably becomes some-, thing that ‘needs to be xed’ by a certain set of policies: ‘The repres-, sive variant is tight border control, the more liberal one is addressing the, “root causes” of migration—especially poverty and violence in origin, Some of the thoughts I am developing here have already been presented in a very. / 02.07. […] The women reach a certain independence thanks to, work and thanks to the confrontation with other models concerning the, women who experienced a process of change. Lebensentwürfe zwischen Wunsch und Wirklichkeit (2016), in: wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Bericht_sotomo_KPT.pdf. Helma Lutz, Gender in the Migratory, earlier than the man and, as a consequence, had already begun working, outside the home before he arrived, therefore seems likely to prove fr. In addition, Italians were never linked as closely, to the topic of terrorism as Muslims are today, even though ‘Italian, Communists working in Switzerland […] were seen as a potential secu-, fertile than the Swiss, it was feared that an ‘Italianisation’ of the Swiss, army knife and where men kept their military ries at home—Italians, men were perceived as dangerous because they were allegedly wont to. Key Points for the Family Court CommunityAddressing the issue of child abuse and maltreatment is of great importance and the need to create effective measures for dealing with this issue is imperativeThis Note discusses how reporting suspected child abuse or maltreatment to the State Central Registry may help resolve this problem, but may also create a new class of victims if the standard for substantiating the report is below the fair preponderance of the evidence standardThis Note focuses on the harsh consequences child care providers, such as foster parents, face when reports made to the State Central Registry are substantiated under the credible evidence standard but prove to be baseless when the evidence is measured using the fair preponderance of the evidence standard. Die Schweiz seit 1968. Increasingly, published that explicitly refrained from pathologising female work and, which tried to take into account that couples had signicant leeway in. Prospettive per una storia. Regarding maternity protection, women in Italy have beneted from. just their spread) has been underemphasised in previous analyses’. ein Notbehelf, der durch höhere Löhne u. Familienzulagen. Making Distinctions Between Migrants in Western Countries, International Publishing (Palgrave Macmillan) 2019. This kind of protest, was considered as legitimate by the local population. In sechzehn Selbstschilderungen. out children of the same age, eight out of ten work full-time. Slavische Kunst und Kultur im Schweizer Exil, in. Regarding my background, I was clearly one of the privileged ones—, both my parents had a university degree. In this context, she co-authored a list of publications by Swiss women. such experiences. In addition, the connections between women’s right to, to the fore. The Liberal member of parliament Jacques Chamorel supported, holding a national vote for the following reasons: ‘Where women’s suf, frage will have won an impressive majority, municipality or the canton; and in regions where it meets with strong, opposition, at least proof will be given that there, in any case, it does, was probably one of those who agreed to the bill in the Council in order. Geburtstag. Stein was also a ‘migrant’. In what follows, see Hanspeter Strebel and Kathrin Barbara Zatti, brauchen Zeit’. Another example that shocked my mother concerned the didac-, tic content of schoolwork itself. Die italienischen Immigranten waren zu jener Zeit Hauptgegenstand der öffentlichen Diskussionen und der politischen und kulturellen Sorgen der Schweizer, fanden jedoch selbst kaum Gehör. Although this information can be invaluable in preventing future child abuse, central registries may contain false or unsubstantiated accounts of child abuse, implicating innocent individuals. shape and delimit the possibility of individual and collective action. Main: Helbling & Lichtenhand 1994, 275–315, 286. around 1910), it took several decades before a comparable level of, eign’ students on Swiss society is often made invisible, as the following, Marie Heim-Vögtlin became the rst female physician born in, as she managed to reconcile work and family, stood up for female suf, frage and co-founded the country’s rst gynaecological hospital. of corresponding schools for women at the time, this made access to the, Of course, not only left-wing revolutionaries like Rosa Luxemburg. In fact, the medical degree, that she was in the process of obtaining ended up not being fully recog-, nised in Switzerland and my mother was not allowed to work in a hospi-, My mother summarised her initial experiences in Switzerland as fol-, lows: ‘It seemed to me as if I had travelled back in time, I don’t know, hundred or at least fty years’. teen leading members of the former ‘Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee’. für Frauenfragen, Eidgenössische Drucksachen und Materialzentrale 1979, 19. Rahel Jaeggi, Francesco Grisoli and Emanuele Ferragina, Social Innovation on the Rise: Yet Another, Benoît Godin, Social Innovation: Utopias of Innovation from c.1830 to the Present, Kimberlé Crenshaw, Demarginalizing the Intersection of Race and Sex: A Black. the largest group of immigrants in Switzerland. One of the most important strengths of such, an approach is the possibility of switching between the roles of the inter-, ested but relatively silent listener, the involved, committed interlocutor, how the interviewees experienced historical change, but also how they, give their lives meaning in the present, deciding on what to include in, and exclude from their account. In the eld of migration research, too, scientic innova. Ein Leistungsziel gewählt werden, aus den Leitzielen 6 und 7 kann wahlweise mind. Canadian Journal of African Studies/Revue. Here, we see that great importance can be attributed to an experience of. However, Julia Onken’s argumentation was criticised by different women’s groups, see for, In this context, see also Stefanie C. Boulila, Insignicant Signication: A Feminist Critique. 2009, 28–51; Mirjana Morokvasic, Gender, Labour, and Migration, in Ness, the legitimacy of migration does not depend on whether it is useful for, links between migration and gender equality should not be equated with, the promotion of a single, linear success story. were designated as missionaries, they were often given subordinate, women’s activities to a limited sphere. Frühe Frauenstimmrechtsbewegung in der Schweiz (1890–1930). A Swiss Woman’s. He studied in Germany and became a professor in Bern. However, similar experiences were also articulated by, Irena Brežná, for instance, who moved to Switzerland after the Soviet, in fact a great deal of evidence that in Switzerland, in the boom years. The family was hit hard by the polit-, ical unrest following the Bolshevik Revolution and the war. Such a characterisation recalls once again, the strategies of legitimisation associated with colonialism, condensed in, Gayatri Spivak’s words that ‘White men are saving brown women from, engage in an in-depth historical analysis of situations where migration. also between different groups of mobile subjects. mon narrative in the history of migration, female ‘migrants’ coming,, There is extensive literature on Italian immigration to Switzerland.