Von den Unfällen mit Todesfolge passierten 2017 knapp 13 Prozent auf Autobahnen - obwohl fast ein Drittel (31 Prozent) der gefahrenen Kilometer auf Autobahnen zurückgelegt wurden. Mailadresse bereits bekannt, bitte mit bestehendem Account einloggen und Kinderprofil anlegen. It invested in new sections and in improvements to older ones. Die Polizei zählte insgesamt 2,7 Millionen Verkehrsunfälle auf deutschen Straßen − so viele wie noch nie seit 1991 (für 1991 liegt erstmals die Zahl der Unfälle für Deutschland nach dem heutigen Gebietsstand vor). The world record of 432 kilometres per hour (268 mph) set by Rudolf Caracciola on this stretch just prior to the accident remains one of the highest speeds ever achieved on a public motorway. For this reason, in German the more specific term Bundesautobahn is strongly preferred when the intent is to make specific reference to Germany's Autobahn network. Shorter autobahns that are of regional importance (e.g. 09.07.2019 I m Jahr 2018 starben in Deutschland 3.275 Menschen bei Unfällen im Straßenverkehr. Juni 2019, 10:37 Uhr Editiert am 30. Nur für ausgebaute Hauptverkehrsstraßen sollte aus Sicht des GdP-Vize weiter Tempo 50 gelten. [4] Today, that road is the Bundesautobahn 555. Länder mit einer generellen Geschwindigkeitsbeschränkung wie Österreich, Belgien oder die USA schnitten bezüglich des Sicherheitsniveaus auf Autobahnen nicht besser ab als Deutschland. The speed limit on the GDR autobahns was 100 kilometres per hour (62 mph); however, lower speed limits were frequently encountered due to poor or quickly changing road conditions. The autobahn fatality rate of 1.6 deaths per billion travel-kilometres compared favorably with the 4.6 rate on urban streets and 6.5 rate on rural roads. "[1] Some speed limits are implemented on different autobahns.[26]. There are sections of the former German Reichsautobahn system in the former eastern territories of Germany, i.e. 6 Tote gab es 2019 in Straßentunneln (2018: 3). Driving in Germany is regulated by the Straßenverkehrs-Ordnung (road traffic regulations,[95] abbreviated StVO). Certain limits are imposed on some classes of vehicles: Additionally, speed limits are posted at most on- and off-ramps and interchanges[28] and other danger points like sections under construction or in need of repair. After the war, they were incorporated as the A6 autostrada of the Polish motorway network. Nearly all exits are to the right; rare left-hand exits result from incomplete interchanges where the "straight-on" leads into the exit. Bitte klicke erneut auf den Link. Du kannst dich ab sofort mit dem neuen Passwort anmelden. [50] Adjacent nations with unlimited speed autobahns, Austria[46][47] and Switzerland,[45] imposed permanent 130 km/h (81 mph) limits after the crisis. [66] While this initiative is primarily a part of the SPD's general strategic outline for the future and, according to practices, not necessarily meant to affect immediate government policy, the proposal had stirred up a debate once again; Germany's chancellor since 2005, Angela Merkel, and leading cabinet members expressed outspoken disapproval of such a measure. The earliest motorways were flanked by shoulders about 60 centimetres (24 in) in width, constructed of varying materials; right-hand shoulders on many autobahns were later retrofitted to 120 centimetres (47 in) in width when it was realized cars needed the additional space to pull off the autobahn safely. Willkommen bei "Mein ZDF"! The north-south autobahns are generally numbered from west to east; that is to say, the more easterly roads are given higher numbers. Watch Queue Queue. latest releases: Bicycle on the Autobahn? [75] Between 2010 and 2014 in the State of Hesse, transportation ministers Dieter Posch[76] and his successor[77] Florian Rentsch,[78] both members of the Free Democratic Party, removed or raised speed limits on several sections of autobahn following regular 5-year reviews of speed limit effectiveness; some sections just prior to the installation of Tarek Al-Wazir (Green Party) as Transportation Minister in January 2014[79][80] as part of an uneasy CDU-green coalition government. German Autobahnen are widely known for having no federally mandated speed limit for some classes of vehicles. Suchbegriff - Vorschlägen über Pfeiltaste erreichbar. One project was the private initiative HaFraBa which planned a "car-only road" crossing Germany from Hamburg in the north via central Frankfurt am Main to Basel in Switzerland. The 50 km/h (31 mph) urban limit was enacted in 1956, effective in 1957. Contains mostly European and Asian truck accidents.Tags are automatically generated Your input will affect cover photo selection, along with input from other users. It's like the smoking ban in restaurants. Signs suggesting a recommended speed limit of 130 km/h (80 mph) are posted along [70] However, Baden-Württemberg is an important location for the German motor industry, including the headquarters of Daimler AG and Porsche;[71] the ruling coalition ultimately decided against a state-level limit on its 675 kilometres (419 mi) of speed-unlimited roads—arguing for nationwide speed limit instead. [36][37][38] Tarek Al-Wazir, head of the Green Party in Hesse, and currently the Hessian Transport Minister has stated that "the speed limit in Germany has a similar status as the right to bear arms in the American debate... At some point, a speed limit will become reality here, and soon we will not be able to remember the time before. Auch der ADAC setzt auf andere Vorschläge und setzt auf bauliche Maßnahmen für unfallträchtige Strecken. Source: Kellermann, G: Geschwindigkeitsverhalten im Autobahnnetz 1992. After the German occupation of Czechoslovakia, plans for a motorway connecting Breslau with Vienna via Brno (Brünn) in the "Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia" were carried out from 1939 until construction works discontinued in 1942. From 2009 Germany has embarked on a massive widening and rehabilitation project, expanding the lane count of many of its major arterial routes, such as the A 5 in the southwest and A 8 going east-west. The motorway density in Germany is 36 kilometers per thousand square kilometer in 2016, close to that of the smaller countries nearby (Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Slovenia). Straße+Autobahn,[92] Issue 5/1995. Vehicles with maximum allowed weight exceeding 3.5 t (except passenger cars), Passenger cars pulling trailers certified for 100 km/h, Buses certified for 100 km/h not towing trailers, The right lane should be used when it is free (. Also on 27 September 1936, a section from Breslau (Wrocław) to Liegnitz (Legnica) in Silesia was inaugurated, which today is part of the Polish A4 autostrada, followed by the (single vehicle) Reichsautobahn 9 from Bunzlau (Bolesławiec) to Sagan (Żagań) the next year, today part of the Polish A18 autostrada. Bitte versuche es erneut. Both kinds of rest areas are directly on the autobahn, with their own exits, and any service roads connecting them to the rest of the road network are usually closed to general traffic. The first crossroads-free road for motorized vehicles only, now A 555 between Bonn and Cologne, had a 120 km/h (75 mph) limit when it opened in 1932. The propaganda ministry turned the construction of the autobahns into a major media event that attracted international attention.[10]. Im Jahr 2017 kamen 1.077 Menschen bei Geschwindigkeitsunfällen ums Leben, 60.079 wurden verletzt. [51] The upper house insisted on a 130 km/h (81 mph) recommended limit until a thorough study of the effects of a mandatory limit could be conducted. Furthermore, there are certain autobahn sections which are known for having light traffic, making such speeds attainable during most days (especially some of those located in Eastern Germany). Hinweis: Die Figur kann jederzeit im Bereich „Mein ZDFtivi“ geändert werden. Others were never completed, as more advantageous routes were found. During his term of office (1998 to 2005) as Chancellor of Germany, Gerhard Schröder opposed an autobahn speed limit, famously referring to Germany as an Autofahrernation (a "nation of drivers"). Notable laws include the following. Bereits im ersten Halbjahr haben weniger Menschen auf deutschen Straßen ihr Leben verloren. Aktuelle Nummerierung: [59][86] In 2014, there was a total of 3,377 road fatalities, while autobahn deaths dropped to 375. [8], Just days after the 1933 Nazi takeover, Adolf Hitler enthusiastically embraced an ambitious autobahn construction project, appointing Fritz Todt, the Inspector General of German Road Construction, to lead it. [TRANSLATION: 50 years at 50 km/h: In the Frenzy of the Economic Miracle: Germany is world-famous for unlimited speeds on motorways. Die Debatte um ein Tempolimit auf Autobahnen ist in vollem Gange: Mit weniger Stress, weniger Feinstaub und einem geringerem Spritverbrauch argumentieren die einen, mit mangelnden Beweisen argumentieren die anderen. The last 4 kilometres (2.5 mi) of the remaining original Reichsautobahn, a section of A 11 northeast of Berlin near Gartz built in 1936—the westernmost remainder of the never-finished Berlinka—are scheduled for replacement around 2015. Bitte überprüfe deine Angaben. Først nogle facts omkring Autobahnen, så en film der handler om livet dér. Bitte versuche es erneut. VANTAGE: SPORTS CAR SUPERIORITY FOR 70 YEARS Electric motorcycle eROCKIT: Emission-free magical locomotion! Für 2018 wird ein Anstieg auf rund 3.220 Menschen erwartet. Their military value was limited as all major military transports in Germany were done by train to save fuel. The German government contracted with a private company, Toll Collect GmbH, to operate the toll collection system, which has involved the use of vehicle-mounted transponders and roadway-mounted sensors installed throughout Germany. ring roads or the A 555 from Cologne to Bonn) that usually have three digits for numbering. Up to a speed of 60 km/h (37 mph), if the left lane is crowded or driving slowly, it is permitted to pass cars on the right side if the speed difference is not greater than 20 km/h (12 mph), * original plan: number is used by another route now, This page was last edited on 18 December 2020, at 01:47. In 2015, the left-green coalition government of Thuringia declared that a general autobahn limit was a Federal matter; Thuringia would not unilaterally impose a general Statewide limit, although the Thuringian environmental minister had recommended a 120 kilometres per hour (75 mph) limit. The length of motorways and other roads is expressed in kilometers. Some of these incomplete sections to this very day stretch across the landscape forming a unique type of modern ruin, often easily visible on satellite photographs. Some have hotels. The general shortage of petrol in Germany during much of the war, as well as the low number of trucks and motor vehicles needed for direct support of military operations, further decreased the autobahn's significance. Das Passwort muss mindestens 8 Zeichen lang sein und mindestens eine Zahl enthalten. The idea for the construction of the autobahn was first conceived in the mid-1920s during the days of the Weimar Republic, but the construction was slow, and most projected sections did not progress much beyond the planning stage due to economic problems and a lack of political support. The first public road of this kind was completed in 1932 between Cologne and Bonn and opened by Konrad Adenauer (Lord Mayor of Cologne and future Chancellor of West Germany) on 6 August 1932. In den ersten neun Monaten war dort kein schwerer Unfall mehr verzeichnet worden. The advisory speed is not enforceable; however, being involved in an accident driving at higher speeds can lead to the driver being deemed at least partially responsible due to "increased operating danger" (Erhöhte Betriebsgefahr). However, for the most part during the war, the autobahns were not militarily significant. Website of the German autobahn network - Routes, Projects, Maps, Pictures. Longer similar systems can be found in the United States (77,960 kilometres (48,440 mi))[18] and in China (149,600 kilometres (93,000 mi)). [87], In 2012, the leading cause of autobahn accidents was "excessive speed (for conditions)": 6,587 so-called "speed related" crashes claimed the lives of 179 people, which represents almost half (46.3%) of 387 autobahn fatalities that year. [Translation: 50 years at 50 km/h: In the Frenzy of the Economic Miracle]", "50 Jahre Tempo 50: Im Taumel des Wirtschaftswunders [Translation: 50 years at 50 km/h: In the Frenzy of the Economic Miracle]", "50 Jahre Tempo 50: Im Taumel des Wirtschaftswunders: Für das fehlende Tempolimit auf Autobahnen ist Deutschland weltberühmt. Du kannst jetzt dein neues Passwort festlegen. [81], In late 2015, Winfried Hermann, Baden-Württemberg's Green minister of transportation, promised to impose a trial speed limit of 120 kilometres per hour (75 mph) on about 10% of the state's autobahns beginning in May 2016. [69], In 2011, the first-ever Green minister-president of any German state, Winfried Kretschmann of Baden-Württemberg initially argued for a similar, state-level 120 kilometres per hour (75 mph) limit. Unmanaged rest areas are basically only parking spaces, sometimes with toilets. In 1993, the Social democratic-Green Party coalition controlling the State of Hesse experimented with a 90 km/h (56 mph) limit on autobahns and 80 km/h (50 mph) on other rural roads. Wie das Statistische Bundesamt (Destatis) mitteilt, starben 2019 im Straßenverkehr 7 % oder 229 Menschen weniger als im Vorjahr. As a result, most military and economic freight was carried by rail. As of 2020[update], Germany's autobahn network has a total length of about 13,183 km. In some cases (if there is a direct danger to life and limb or property e.g. As such, they are important German cultural identifiers, "... often mentioned in hushed, reverential tones by motoring enthusiasts and looked at with a mix of awe and terror by outsiders. Only federally built controlled-access highways with certain construction standards including at least two lanes per direction are called Bundesautobahn. Weniger Verkehrstote – mehr Verkehrsunfälle in 2019 Auch wenn die Zahl der Verkehrstoten gesunken ist, so lässt eine andere Zahl doch aufhorchen: Die Verkehrsunfälle sind erneut gestiegen. Parking on the autobahn is prohibited in the strictest terms outside these designated areas. The main autobahns going all across Germany have a single digit number. Ebenso war auf einem Abschnitt der A 4 ein Tempolimit eingeführt worden, nachdem dort nach Eröffnung neun Menschen ums Leben gekommen waren. The reality is a little different than the legend. Most unlimited sections of the autobahn are located outside densely populated areas. Rechtsanwaltskanzlei Kotz - Siegener Straße 104 - 106, 57223 Kreuztal, Germany - Rated 4.8 based on 8 Reviews "Gute Beratung und top vertreten! Die Gewerkschaft der Polizei sieht deshalb Handlungsbedarf auf Autobahnen: "Wenn jemand mit Tempo 180 unterwegs ist und vor ihm schert ein Fahrzeug mit Tempo 90 auf die Überholspur aus, geht das schnell schief", sagt der GdP-Vize Mertens. Diese E-Mail-Adresse existiert bei uns leider nicht. A flat-country autobahn that was constructed to meet standards during the Nazi period, could support the speed of up to 150 km/h (93 mph) on curves. Fast jeder dritte Verkehrstote in Deutschland kam im Jahr 2019 bei einem Unfall im Zusammenhang mit zu hoher Geschwindigkeit ums Leben. Die von der WHO geschätzte Summe der Verkehrstoten beläuft sich auf 1.323.666. The first digit used is similar to the system above, depending on the region. [60] Afterward, again, the Federal Government declined to impose a mandatory limit, deciding the modest measured emission reduction would have no meaningful effect on forest loss. In the 1930s, when construction began on the system, the official name was Reichsautobahn. A second attempt to reopen debate on the issue was made by the SDU [ clarification needed ] , but it is controversial with Merkel's government. Der Trend ist also weiter rückläufig: Während acht EU-Länder, darunter Deutschland, 2019 ihre niedrigste jemals erfasste Zahl von Verkehrstoten verzeichneten, haben sich die Fortschritte in den meisten Mitgliedstaaten jedoch verlangsamt. Unfallentwicklung auf deutschen Straßen 2017 1.Langfristige Entwicklung in Deutschland Verkehrstote in 1 000 Schaubild 1 2018 -15 - 0527 0 5 10 15 20 25 Anzahl 1953 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 2000 05 10 17 Höchstgeschwindigkeit 100 km/h auf Landstraßen 0,8-Promillegrenze, Ölkrise Helmtragepflicht(Verwarngeld) Gurtanlegepflicht (Verwarngeld) 0. Vielen Dank" The current autobahn numbering system in use in Germany was introduced in 1974. Similarly, the east-west routes are numbered from north (lower numbers) to south (higher numbers). The system is as follows: There are also some very short autobahns built just for local traffic (e.g. Ein Blick auf die Zahlen zeigt: Vor zehn Jahre lag die Zahl der Verkehrstoten noch bei knapp 5.000 Menschen. Du erhältst in Kürze eine E-Mail von uns mit Infos, wie du dein Passwort zurücksetzen kannst. Some sections cut by the Iron Curtain in 1945 were only completed after German reunification in 1990. During the 1950s, the West German government restarted the construction program. (German: bewirtschaftet / unbewirtschaftet). 1/2001", "Last section of Germany's Autobahn, built in 1936, to disappear", https://www.bmvi.de/SharedDocs/DE/Anlage/StB/laengenstatistik-2020.pdf?__blob=publicationFile, https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/policyinformation/statistics/2018/hm20.cfm, "A 95: Unfall-Porsche beschlagnahmt: Starnberg – Nach dem tödlichen Unfall auf der Autobahn A 95 am Starnberger Dreieck stellt sich die Frage einer Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung. Parts of the HaFraBa were completed in the late 1930s and early 1940s, but construction eventually was halted by World War II. Das Passwort muss mindestens 8 Zeichen lang sein. Need for Speed: ProStreet, Burnout 3: Takedown, and Burnout Dominator use autobahn as one of their tracks. After the war, numerous sections of the autobahns were in bad shape, severely damaged by heavy Allied bombing and military demolition. [72][73][74], In 2014, the conservative-liberal ruling coalition of Saxony confirmed its rejection of a general speed limit on autobahns, instead advocating dynamic traffic controls where appropriate. Der bisherige Tiefststand lag nach Zahlen des Statistischen Bundesamts bei 3046 Verkehrstoten im Jahr 2019. Similar to high-speed motorways in other countries, autobahns have multiple lanes of traffic in each direction, separated by a central barrier with grade-separated junctions and access restricted to motor vehicles with a top speed greater than 60 km/h (37 mph). [44] The 100 km/h (62 mph) limit on rural roads—except autobahns—became effective in 1972. Mandated every 50 kilometres (31 mi) or so, rest areas are usually open all night. In 2019, the Green Party introduced a motion to introduce a hard 130 km/h speed limit on the Autobahn, but it was defeated in the Bundestag. In 2006, speeds were recorded using automated detection loops in the State of Brandenburg at two points: on a six-lane section of A 9 near Niemegk with a 130 km/h (81 mph) advisory speed limit; and on a four-lane section of A 10 bypassing Berlin near Groß Kreutz with a 120 km/h (75 mph) mandatory limit. It is reported as of 31 December. [65] These limits were attempts to reduce ozone pollution. Gegenüber dem Vorjahr rechnet der ADAC für 2020 mit 336.000 Verunglückten – ein Minus von 13,2 Prozent. Denn Unfälle durch nicht angepasste Geschwindigkeit - also zu hohe oder dem Wetter nicht entsprechende Geschwindigkeit - haben nach wie vor die schlimmsten Folgen, schreiben die Statistiker. Certain vehicles, such as emergency vehicles and buses, are exempt from the toll. Insgesamt 880 Menschen starben in diesen vier Monaten 2020 bei Verkehrsunfällen. ", "Speed limits on autobahn? By 1936, 130,000 workers were directly employed in construction, as well as an additional 270,000 in the supply chain for construction equipment, steel, concrete, signage, maintenance equipment, etc. Germany's autobahns are famous for being among the few public roads in the world without blanket speed limits for cars and motorcycles. Das Passwort muss mindestens 8 Zeichen lang sein, einen Großbuchstaben und eine Ziffer enthalten. Where no general limit exists, the advisory speed limit is 130 km/h (81 mph), referred to in German as the Richtgeschwindigkeit. On 1 January 2005, a new system came into effect for mandatory tolls (Mautpflicht) on heavy trucks (those weighing more than 12 t) while using the German autobahn system (LKW-Maut). [15], Germany's autobahn network has a total length of about 13,100 km (13,183 kilometres (8,192 mi) in 2020[17]), and a density of 36 motorway kilometres per thousand square kilometer (Eurostat) which ranks it among the most dense and longest controlled-access systems in the world, and fifth in density within the EU in 2016 (Netherlands 66, Finland 3). Some cars with very powerful engines can reach speeds of well over 300 km/h (190 mph). Doch würde die Zahl mit einer Begrenzung wirklich sinken? A similar intent in the 1930s existed for a ten-kilometre stretch of what is today Bundesautobahn 9 just south of Dessau—called the Dessauer Rennstrecke—had bridges with no piers, meant for land speed record cars like the Mercedes-Benz T80 to have made a record attempt in January 1940, abandoned due to the outbreak of World War II in Europe four months earlier. [55], In the mid-1980s, acid rain and sudden forest destruction renewed debate on whether or not a general speed limit should be imposed on autobahns. Similar to some other German words, the term autobahn when used in English is usually understood to refer specifically to the national highway system of Germany, whereas in German the word autobahn is applied to any controlled highway in any country. Viele innerörtliche Straßen seien für Tempo 50 deshalb objektiv ungeeignet. CARE comprises detailed data on individual accidents as collected by the Member States. Wie das Statistische Bundesamt (Destatis) nach vorläufigen Ergebnissen weiter mitteilt, waren das 4 Personen weniger als im September 2019. WISO mit den Antworten zu den sechs beliebtesten Urlaubsländern der Deutschen: Um zu verstehen, wie unsere Webseite genutzt wird und um dir ein interessenbezogenes Angebot präsentieren zu können, nutzen wir Cookies und andere Techniken. [23] The location of the caller is automatically sent to the operator.[24]. Bitte lösche den Verlauf und deine Cookies und klicke dann erneut auf den Bestätigungslink. Von März bis Juni 2019 waren es 1 069 Verkehrstote gewesen. Filmen er faktisk også god :) Søren Blom (26.07.2008, 14:45) "Per Henneberg Kristensen" skrev > Husk det er i morgen kl. 13 Fußgänger kamen auf Schutzwegen ums Leben, 2018 waren es 9. There is a distinction between "managed" and "unmanaged" rest areas. Du kannst nun "Mein ZDF" in vollem Umfang nutzen. Just prior to the 1973 oil crisis, Germany, Switzerland,[45] and Austria[46][47] all had no general speed restriction on autobahns. In rural areas, new camps to house the workers were built near construction sites. Damit starb mehr als jeder Dritte (34 Prozent) bei Unfällen aufgrund nicht angepasster Geschwindigkeit. This video is unavailable. Hinweis: Das bestehende Passwort muss mindestens 8 Zeichen lang sein, einen Großbuchstaben, eine Ziffer und ein Sonderzeichen enthalten. East-west routes are even-numbered, north-south routes are odd-numbered. [22], About 17,000 emergency telephones are distributed at regular intervals all along the autobahn network, with triangular stickers on the armco barriers pointing the way to the nearest one. Neues Konto anlegen The speed limits on the GDR autobahns were rigorously enforced by the Volkspolizei, whose patrol cars were frequently found hiding under camouflage tarpaulins waiting for speeders. [59] Statistics for 2013 show total German traffic deaths had declined to the lowest count ever recorded: 3,340 (428 on autobahns); a representative of the Federal Statistical Office attributed the general decline to harsh winter weather that delayed the start of the motorcycle-riding season. The official German term is Bundesautobahn (abbreviated BAB), which translates as "federal motorway". The autobahns formed the first limited-access, high-speed road network in the world, with the first section from Frankfurt am Main to Darmstadt opening in 1935. Die eingegebenen Passwörter stimmen nicht überein. They are usually found every few kilometres, some of them bear local or historic names. [48] Automakers projected a 20% plunge in sales, which they attributed in part to the lowered speed limits. [1] However, limits are posted (and enforced) in areas that are urbanised, substandard, accident-prone, or under construction. Stattdessen plädiert er für Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzungen an Gefahrenstellen und Unfallschwerpunkten. Tote und Verletzte: Was bringt ein Tempolimit auf der Straße. Need for Speed: Porsche Unleashed also had a track that had the player drive across different sections of the autobahn. Autobahn (pronúncia alemã: ˈɔːtə(ʊ)bɑːn ouça) é o sistema rodoviário federal de acesso controlado da Alemanha.O termo alemão oficial é Bundesautobahn (plural Bundesautobahnen, BAB abreviado), que se traduz como "autoestradas federais". Als 2003 auf einem Abschnitt der A 24 in Brandenburg ein Tempolimit von 130 eingeführt wurde, sank dort die Zahl der Toten auf null. East Prussia, Farther Pomerania, and Silesia; these territories became parts of Poland and the Soviet Union with the implementation of the Oder–Neisse line after World War II. Nein, danke – US news – Environment – Climate Change – NBC News", "Autobahn speed limit proposal revs up debate in Germany", "Driving the Autobahn? Most sections of Germany's autobahns have two or three, sometimes four lanes in each direction in addition to an emergency lane (hard shoulder). Dafür benötigst du dein Ausweisdokument. [85] A second attempt to reopen debate on the issue was made by the SDU[clarification needed], but it is controversial with Merkel's government. There is no general minimum speed but drivers are not allowed to drive at an unnecessarily low speed as this would lead to significant traffic disturbance and an increased collision risk.