From Munich Airport, you can reach TUM FSD by … Schwerpunkte: Ingenieur- und Naturwissenschaften, Lebenswissenschaften, Medizin und Sozialwissenschaften. /Root 1517 0 R 0000004263 00000 n Wie sind wir für euch da? Cleared for take off! Die Allgemeine Prüfungs- und Studienordnung der TUM ist für den Master RCI gültig und definiert den Rahmen für die genauere Ausgestaltung des Studiengangs in der FPSO. Auslandsaufenthalt: Austauschprogramme der TUM (Fakultät MW, SoSe 15) 3 MB: Bachelor_NoPanic1_WS1920.pdf 2 MB: Bachelor_NoPanic2_SS19.pdf 281 KB: Bachelor_NoPanic3_WS1920.pdf 89 KB: Bachelor_No_Panic_4_2020.pdf 123 KB: Bachelor: Vortrag HM-Vorkurs (FSMB, WiSe 17/18) 2 MB >> +49 89 289 55505 Fax +49 89 289 55509. International means. /O 1519 Dr. h.c. Gottfried Sachs (i.R.) We are trying to fix all problems as soon as possible. An der TUM und am LRZ können Studierende zahlreiche Rechnerarbeitsplätze nutzen, außerdem verleihen einige … << Our Bachelor in Management & Technology (TUM-BWL) gives you the interdisciplinary focus you need, putting you at a distinct advantage when it comes to shaping your career. Modulhandbuch des Studiengangs B.Sc. ), International Experience (3 ECTS): Statutory Declaration (also for Advanced International Experience), Advanced International Experience (optional): General Information, Advanced International Experience (optional): Timeframe Information, Degree Program Documentation Master in Management [in English], Degree Program Documentation Master in Management [in German], Degree Program Documentation Master in Management at TUM Campus Heilbronn [in German], Slides of the BMT Welcome Session on 11.10.2019 for students in the first semester, Information Sheet: Switch Study Plan Version [in German], Statute on the assessment procedure for the Bachelor in Management & Technology [in German] (15.05.2019), Statute on the assessment procedure for the Bachelor in Management & Technology [in German] (19.05.2020), Statute on the assessment procedure for the Bachelor in Management & Technology [in German] (01.04.2017), Statute on the assessment procedure for the Bachelor in Management & Technology [in English] (01.04.2017), “Lesbare Satzung” (consolidated version of the regulations up to and including Amendment 1) [in German] Please note that only the officially published version is legally binding. If the application is approved, the TUM GS will issue a letter of confirmation. We closely collaborate with the Mentoring Program of the Technical University of Munich to bring you together with well-versed professionals, who can help you build your career and develop … Alternatively, you can reach the research center via Bundesstraße B11 (Federal Highway). By Public Transport. endobj TUM Graduate School encourages an environment in which academic knowledge and professional qualification are perfectly interwoven. 0000013989 00000 n Maier A, Gee MW, Reeps C, Pongratz J, Eckstein HH, Wall WA: “A comparison of diameter, wall stress and rupture potential index for abdominal aortic aneurysm rupture risk prediction”. 0000012989 00000 n ), International Experience (3 ECTS): Guideline Report, Advanced International Experience: Statutory Declaration, Info sheet: TUM Course Offering for Scientific Writing, Form “Permission to view my final thesis” [in German & English], Grade Announcement Final Thesis [in English], Grade Announcement Final Thesis [in German], Information guidelines on your final thesis [in English], Information Sheet: Writing, formatting and submitting your final thesis [in English], Information Sheet: Writing, formatting and submitting your final thesis [in German], Information Sheet: Project Studies, BA & MA [in German & English], Project Studies – Guidelines for companies, Registration Project Studies [in English], Grade Announcement Project Studies [in English], Grade Announcement Project Studies [in German], Degree Program Documentation Bachelor in Management and Technology, Brochure Master in Management & Innovation, Flyer Master in Management & Innovation – TUM Track, Schedule TUM Campus Heilbronn – 2021-2022, Flyer Master in Management & Innovation – Double Degree Track, General information on studying at TUM School of Management, (MMT): Academic and examination regulations (FPSO) – valid for students who started in WS 2018/19 or later (25.04.2018) [in English], (MMT): Academic and examination regulations (FPSO) – valid for students who started in WS 2018/19 or later (25.04.2018) [in German], (MMT): Academic and examination regulations (FPSO) – valid for students who started in WS 2017/18 or later (21.06.2017) [in English], (MMT): Academic and examination regulations (FPSO) – valid for students who started in WS 2017/18 or later (21.06.2017) [in German], (Track 1/TUM-BWL): Academic and examination regulations (FPSO) – valid for students who started in WS 2016/17 or later (27.04.2016) [in English], (Track 1/TUM-BWL): Academic and examination regulations (FPSO) – valid for students who started in WS 2016/17 or later (27.04.2016) [in German], (Track 1/TUM-BWL): First amendment of the academic and examination regulations (FPSO) – valid for students who started in WS 2014/15 or later (19.08.2014) [in German], (Track 1/TUM-BWL): Academic and examination regulations (FPSO) – valid for students who started in WS 2011/12 or later (20.09.2013) [in German], (Track 2/WITEC): Academic and examination regulations (FPSO) – valid for students who started in WS 2015/16 or later (08.09.2015) [in English], (Track 2/WITEC): Academic and examination regulations (FPSO) – valid for students who started in WS 2015/16 or later (08.09.2015) [in German], (Track 2/WITEC): Academic and examination regulations (FPSO) – valid for students who started in WS 2011/12 or later (13.09.2013) [in German], Recognition of TUM courses, attended before starting and during your Master’s at TUM School of Management, Recognition of credits from international modules for MMT, Information sheet: Proof of Proficiency in German, Advanced International Experience: Information sheet, Advanced International Experience: Timeframe Information, Adress Label Submission Final Thesis [Munich], Degree Program Documentation Master in Management and Technology [in English], Degree Program Documentation Master in Management and Technology [in German], Information for Applicants – Recognition of Foreign Degrees, Information Sheet: Finding a Supervisor [German / English], Information Sheet: Research Proposal [German / English], Betreuungsvereinbarung im Rahmen eines Promotionsvorhabens an der Technischen Universität München (Graduate Center TUM School of Management) / Supervision agreement for doctoral candidates (Graduate Center TUM School of Management), Information for Applicants from the People’s Republic of China, Information Event October 2020 – Presentation on the advanced phase of your doctoral program and opportunity to ask your questions (for candidates who have been in the program for more than one year), Information Event October 2020 – Presentation on the first steps into and the first phase of the program and opportunity to ask your questions (for candidates who recently joined the doctoral program), Guidelines for Habilitation Target Agreements, Final Steps: Handing in your Dissertation, Antrag auf Anrechnung externer Doktorandenkurse / Approval form for external doctoral seminars (if you have joined the Graduate Center after January 1, 2014, please upload this form together with the certificate of attendance in one document in DocGS), Antrag auf Lektoratsservice / Approval form for proofreading services, Merkblatt für das TUM-GS Überbrückungsstipendium /Information Sheet for the TUM-GS Bridge Financing Scholarship, Richtlinien zur Sicherung guter wissenschaftlicher Praxis und für den Umgang mit wissenschaftlichem Fehlverhalten / Guidelines for good scientific practice and handling of scientific misconduct, gültig für Studierende, die das MCS-Studium 2019 aufgenommen haben: Fachprüfungs- und Studienordnung (FPSO), gültig für Studierende, die das MCS-Studium 2018 aufgenommen haben: Fachprüfungs- und Studienordnung (FPSO), gültig für Studierende, die das MCA-Studium 2011 aufgenommen haben: Fachprüfungs- und Studienordnung (FPSO), gültig für Studierende, die das MCA-Studium 2012 aufgenommen haben: Fachprüfungs- und Studienordnung (FPSO), gültig für Studierende, die das MCA-Studium 2013 aufgenommen haben: Fachprüfungs- und Studienordnung (FPSO), gültig für Studierende, die das MCA-Studium 2014 aufgenommen haben: Fachprüfungs- und Studienordnung (FPSO), gültig für Studierende, die das MCA-Studium 2016 aufgenommen haben : Fachprüfungs- und Studienordnung (FPSO), valid for students who started in 2011: Subject Examination and General Academic Regulations (FPSO), valid for students who started in 2012: Subject Examination and General Academic Regulations (FPSO), valid for students who started in 2013: Subject Examination and General Academic Regulations (FPSO), valid for students who started in 2014: Subject Examination and General Academic Regulations (FPSO), valid for students who started in 2016: Subject Examination and General Academic Regulations (FPSO), valid for students who started in 2018: Subject Examination and General Academic Regulations (FPSO), Recognition of credits from international modules for MCS, Info Sheet: Requirements for Master’s Thesis, Information on the Consumer-Oriented Project Work for MCA, Degree Program Documentation Master in Consumer Science [in English], Degree Program Documentation Master in Consumer Science [in German], MIM HEILBRONN: gültig für alle Studierenden die das MiM-Studium im WS 2020/2021 in Heilbronn aufgenommen haben – Lesbare Fassung Fachprüfungs- und Studienordnung (FPSO) (04.03.2020), MIM HEILBRONN: gültig für alle Studierenden die das MiM-Studium im WS 2019/2020 in Heilbronn aufgenommen haben – Lesbare Fassung Fachprüfungs- und Studienordnung (FPSO) (14.10.2019), MIM MÜNCHEN: gültig für Studierende die das MIM-Studium im WS 2019/2020 aufgenommen haben – Lesbare Fassung Fachprüfungs- und Studienordnung (FPSO) (25.03.2019), MIM HEILBRONN: gültig für Studierende die das MIM-Studium im WS 2018/2019 in Heilbronn aufgenommen haben – Lesbare Fassung Fachprüfungs- und Studienordnung (FPSO) (27.04.2018), MIM MÜNCHEN: gültig für Studierende die das MIM-Studium im WS 2018/2019 aufgenommen haben – Lesbare Fassung Fachprüfungs- und Studienordnung (FPSO) (25.04.2018), MIM MUNICH: valid for students who started in WS 2018/2019 – Consolidated version Program-Specific Academic and Examination Regulations (FPSO) (25.04.2018), MIM MÜNCHEN: gültig für Studierende, die das MIM-Studium im WS 2016/2017 aufgenommen haben – Lesbare Satzung Fachprüfungs- und Studienordnung (FPSO) (23.09.2016), MIM MUNICH: valid for students who started in WS 2016/2017 or WS 2017/2018 – Consolidated version Program-Specific Academic and Examination Regulations (FPSO) (23.09.2016), WIN: gültig für Studierende, die das WIN-Studium im WS 2015/2016 aufgenommen haben – Lesbare Satzung Fachprüfungs- und Studienordnung (FPSO) (05.05.2015), NAWI: gültig für Studierende, die das NAWI-Studium im WS 2015/2016 aufgenommen haben – Lesbare Satzung Fachprüfungs- und Studienordnung (FPSO) (05.05.2015), Recognition of credits from international modules for MiM, International Experience (3 ECTS): General Information (Only for students with study begin until summer semester 2018. (09.10.2019), “Lesbare Satzung” (consolidated version of the regulations up to and including Amendment 5 & 6) [in English] Please note that this is only relevant for students who began their studies in the winter semester of 2019/20 or later. 0000014221 00000 n 173 0000004661 00000 n Gigaset sl78h handbuch 0000000015 00000 n (09.10.2019), “Lesbare Satzung” (Neufassung vom 22.06.2020) [in German] Please note that this is only relevant for students who begin their studies in the winter semester of 2020/21 or later. when applying to a bachelor's degree program: You have completed your secondary school education outside of Germany with something other than a German Abitur. (17.03.2011), “Lesbare Satzung” (consolidated version of the regulations up to and including Amendment 1) [in English] Please note that only the officially published version is legally binding. Tum bwl Management and Technology (TUM-BWL) - Bachelor of Science . (01.06.2017), “Lesbare Satzung” (consolidated version of the regulations up to and including Amendment 4) [in English] Please note that this is only relevant for students who began their studies in the winter semester of 2017/18 or later. TUM Campus Straubing for Biotechnology and Sustainability (TUMCS) Version of module description: winterterm 2019/20 Module Level: Master Language: English Duration: one semester Frequency: winter semester Credits:* 5 Total Hours: 150 Self-study Hours: 105 Contact Hours: 45 Number of credits may vary according to degree program. /Encrypt 1518 0 R This suite of MSc programmes in mechanical engineering offers specialist streams linked to our world-leading research activities and centres Also taught at The University of Nottingham's Malaysia Campus The Faculty of Engineering is ranked 3rd in the UK for research power under REF 2014. /V 1 /ViewerPreferences<> Latest News New Website Launched December 24th, 2019. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. %���� 0000010233 00000 n Software, die sich anpasst. /N 243 To top -Fakultät für Chemie. Course Catalogue Masters Programme Human-Computer Interaction (MINF-M-120-MCI) 120 credit points According to the Examination Regulations from 25.09.2012 ���U��0�?$�5�,��-JD:�ۛ�Bm��\0��"A�
�I 0000003464 00000 n General Academic and Examination Regulations for Bachelor’s and Master’s Programs (APSO) at the Technical University Munich, “Lesbare Satzung” (consolidated version of the regulations up to and including the June 2020 amendment) (03.06.2020) [in German] Please call us via phone or send us an email with your inquiry. (22.06.2020), International Experience (3 ECTS): General Information (Only for students with study begin between winter semester 2013/14 and summer semester 2015. /L 873056 Sie besitzen großes Potenzial, da Nukleinsäuren in zahlreichen Untersuchungsmaterialien enthalten sind. Introduction to Spacecraft Technology Modul MW1979. If you have questions or feedback you can send it to We will get back to you as soon as possible. 0000044539 00000 n 0000013762 00000 n Maschinenbau und Management Generiert am 22.02.2018 Seite 2 von 108 Allgemeine Informationen und Lesehinweise zum Modulhandbuch Zu diesem Modulhandbuch: Ein zentraler Baustein des Bologna-Prozesses ist die Modularisierung der Studiengänge, das heißt die Umstellung /Size 1552 TUM BWL, International Experience (3 ECTS): General Information (Only for students with study begin winter semester 2019/20 and later. ), International Experience (3 ECTS): General Information (Only for students with study begin winter semester 2018/19 and summer semester 2019), International Experience (3 ECTS): Statutory Declaration. 0000056127 00000 n /Info 1462 0 R Advanced Control Modul MW1420 [ADV] Dieses Modul wird durch Lehrstuhl für Regelungstechnik (Prof. Lohmann) bereitgestellt.. Diese Modulbeschreibung enthält neben den eigentlichen Beschreibungen der Inhalte, Lernergebnisse, Lehr- und Lernmethoden und Prüfungsformen auch Verweise auf die aktuellen Lehrveranstaltungen und Termine für die Modulprüfung in den jeweiligen Abschnitten. endobj General Academic and Examination Regulations for Bachelor’s and Master’s Programs (APSO) at the Technical University Munich, “Lesbare Satzung” (consolidated version of the regulations up to and including the June 2020 amendment) (03.06.2020) [in German] Aerospace Master of Science (M.Sc.) Bei Rückfragen zu Ihren Lehrveranstaltungen oder Prüfungsterminen wenden Sie sich bitte direkt an Ihre School oder Fakultät. ��1�(9���Mr�v^���x��6$Y4�ZM` �3����Ew��i(4"��.�J���O�V�mҥ^� >f��gb����T(�P���i�R�M�휖~�N�"��g��>&� :g>Y��� �c �+��GE,�ݎ�
��V:�����|\��ZW�~` 0000001365 00000 n After the successful conclusion of the first part of the module (summer term) , the students will be able to apply the basic physics of rocketry and propulsion to carry out a first order desing of a launcher system with respect to the design budgets of mass, power and volume. Modulhandbuch tum maschinenwesen master-ePub, PDF, TXT, PDB, RTF, FB2. Our Career Service Center is at your disposal to help you launch your professional career after graduation. ]C�D���X��s�J���#�����5���c�9��9�0�V�E��V����v�^��-
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���(e֭"�&���;.�4��T+�zP�NlKt�AAx�ȁ/AwG�rC%�����H�ܫ~J�]ų������,5rp6���vSG{�wڈ�. Doctoral candidates at TUM work on challenging academic questions, and are supported by prominent researchers. The club plays its home matches at the Stade Armand Cesari located within the city. 0000009428 00000 n 0000010144 00000 n (01.06.2017), “Lesbare Satzung” (consolidated version of the regulations up to and including Amendment 5 & 6) [in German] Please note that this is only relevant for students who began their studies in the winter semester of 2019/20 or later. 2014/15. /Linearized 1 /Type/Catalog Suche) im vollen Umfang nutzen zu können! Ein Studienjahr beginnt am 01. HEC (Grand École des Hautes Études Commerciales Paris) and TUM School of Management do offer a Double Degree for students in the Master in Management & Technology. stream It does not refer to your country of origin or the place you live. /Filter/FlateDecode Christoph Harzer (Hrsg.) /Lang(p0) Besondere Merkmale sind die Forschungs-Neutronenquelle sowie die Zusammenarbeit mit vielen Max-Planck-Instituten und anderen außeruniversitären Forschungseinrichtungen. TUM Campus Straubing for Biotechnology and Sustainability (TUMCS) Technische Universität München 0000004191 00000 n Sem. >> [17.11.2020] Dreizehn Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler der Technischen Universität München (TUM) zählen zu den meistzitierten ihres Fachgebiets. ; Content / Educational Objectives: Introduction and motivation Modulhandbuch ciw tum-Arhiv; Bedienungsanleitung siemens gigaset s4; Access study documents like summaries, lecture notes and exam questions shared by top students from your courses. It focuses on the engineering sciences, natural sciences, life sciences, medicine, and social sciences. Ethics, Responsibility and Sustainability, MiMI Virtual Info Session – 6th August 2020, Last Minute Q&A Session for MIM applicants- 29th June, 2020, MiM Virtual Info Session- 8th December, 2020, Bachelor Virtual Info Session – 11th November 2020, Bachelor Virtual Info Session – 28th October, Technik-Schwerpunkt „Nachwachsende Rohstoffe“ am Campus Straubing, Bachelor in Management & Technology – Renewable Resources Form, Bachelor in Management & Technology – Renewable Resources, Bachelor in Management & Technology – Digital Technologies, Slides of the Info session regarding the specializations in technology and other information for students in the first semester, Recognition of TUM courses, attended before starting and during your Bachelor’s at TUM School of Management, General Academic and Examination Regulations for Bachelor’s and Master’s Programs (APSO) at the Technical University Munich, “Lesbare Satzung” (consolidated version of the regulations up to and including the June 2020 amendment) (03.06.2020) [in German], General Academic and Examination Regulations for Bachelor’s and Master’s Programs (APSO) at the Technical University Munich, “Lesbare Satzung” (consolidated version of the regulations up to and including the 2012 Oct amendment) [in English] (29.10.2012), Program Specific Academic and Examination Regulations valid for all students who started in WS 2020/2021, “Lesbare Satzung” (consolidated version of the regulations up to and including the 2020 May amendment) [in German] (19.05.2020), Program Specific Academic and Examination Regulations valid for all students who started in WS 2020/2021 (14.05.2020), Program Specific Academic and Examination Regulations valid for all students who started in WS 2019/2020 (15.05.2019), Manual on Course Planning and Scheduling/ Exam Registration/ Module Handbook, Application for a leave of absence [in German and in English], Application for a copy of an exam [in German and in English], Application for an additional post-exam review [in German and in English], Confirmation of course equivalence of international modules, Form for academic recognition / Learning Agreement before or during mobility, Form for academic recognition for courses at universities abroad after mobility, Information Sheet: Communication Skills [English], Recognition of courses, attended at a foreign University before starting your studies at TUM School of Management, Recognition of courses, attended at a German University before starting and during your studies at TUM School of Management, Information Sheet for TUM BWL B.Sc. (13.09.2013), “Lesbare Satzung” (consolidated version of the regulations up to and including Amendment 1) [in German] Please note that this is only relevant for students who began their studies in the winter semester of 2014/2015 or later.