Course Title: Effective Communicatin in Multicultural Teams Course Code: IOSSCC15ILNumber of Credits: 4 ECTSCourse Contents: The Salzburg University of Applied Sciences (FHS) aims to develop students’ social competence by integrating teamwork and project work in its curriculum. Course Title: 3D Construction & Visualisation 1, Solid works Course Code: DPMM13DKUILNumber of Credits: 3 ECTSObservation: Restricted number of places available for Incoming studentes (total number of places in the LAB: 20)Exam Modalities: Final examCourse Contents: Introducing 3D modelling (volume modelling); orientation in the virtual arena; creating simple to semi-complex construction parts; creating simple assemblies using links; basics of drawing and dimensioning; importing templates and drawings; assigning materials to bodies and surfaces; basic rendering techniques (camera, stage, light, shadow). Welcome to the overview of courses that the Design & Product Management Master Programme offers in English for incoming exchange students.. For further information on academic issues, courses, course selection and provisional learning agreements, please, contact the international coordinator of the Design & Product Management Programme, Ulrike Szigeti ( Course Title: English 3 Course Code: DPMB3ENGUENumber of Credits: 2 ECTSLanguage Level: B2 (CEFR)Course Contents: Describing a company, the language of presentations, differentiating between various styles using authentic material e.g. Ask the International Academic Coordinator for more information (Ulrike Hofmann, of Credits: 2 ECTSLevel: A2 (CEFR)Course Contents: Write a Curriculum Vitae and an application letter. Particular attention is hereby paid to coherent argumentation and reasoning for selected concept elements, because only a development idea which is clearly understandable for the entire design team guarantees an efficient and easily communicable basis for the following design steps. to the projects The students work individually, and receive a broad overview of the concept options inherent to the general topic.2- Design and Concept: Subsequently, the students can individually select one of the concepts to develop further and in-depth with a focus on further-reaching targets such as sustainability aspects in product development and marketing. our very existence seems to be sailing in a sea of ethical and morally charged issues – particularly because the two terms – ethics and sustainability – are being used more and more ambiguously and prolifically. It is therefore important for the students to experience this addition to the development spectrum for themselves and to go through it first in group work then increasingly on an individual basis as the project progresses. Head of Kommunikation & Internationalisierung, Forest Products Technology & Timber Construction, International Departmental Coordinator, Forest Products Technology & Timber Construction, Senior Lecturer, Forest Products Technology & Timber Construction, International Departmental Coordinator, Design & Product Management, International Departmental Coordinator, Smart Building. Optionally, the development concept is embedded into a service concept as part of a further step.3- Design and Creation: In the final phase of work, the concrete concept is now transformed into a design draft, with attention still being paid to coherent argumentation chains and particularly to high levels of detail. Fachhochschule Salzburg. Course Title: Experimental Project Course Code: DPMM2EXPPTNumber of Credits: 7 ECTSCourse Contents: This course has three interconnected focuses.1- Design and Background: As an entry into the project, various information modules provide wide-ranging input to the background of the project topic, sociology of the design, alternative research methods and research evaluation. Second, this course uses various techniques to help to understand the basic elements of negotiation; when to reach a deal and when to walk away; how to negotiate in teams; how to negotiate with multiple opponents; and how to handle international negotiations. Die FH Salzburg bietet ihren 3.000 Studierenden in den Disziplinen "Ingenieurwissenschaften", "Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften", "Design, Medien & Kunst" sowie "Gesundheitswissenschaften" beste akademische Ausbildung mit hohem Praxisbezug. Course Title: Intercultural Communication Course Code: DPMM3IKUILNumber of Credits: 1 ECTSCourse Contents: This course aims to help you develop the negotiating skills needed to meet the challenges facing today’s executives. This enables us to improve website content. Imprint; Privacy Notice; About; Help Er ist Senior Lecturer im Studiengang Smart Building an der FH Salzburg. FH Salzburg Campus Kuchl. These cookies are needed for a smooth operation of our website. Used by DoubleClick (Google Tag Manager) to help identify the visitors by either age, gender or interests. EVA - Everyday Assistant for Demetia Projects. In total, around 200 free events take place worldwide in more than 40 countries to celebrate the achievements and findings on the topics of usability and user experience together, as well as to communicate and strengthen their importance in the world. “Systems Design” is an engineering program that offers a wide, advanced theory based education for designing systems. Ihr dürft am Donnerstag vieles zu dem Thema erfahren mit unserem Referenten Dipl.-Ing. This unit is suitable for both beginner and advanced capabilities. FH Salzburg. Students practice telephone techniques, the language used in written and verbal complaints, orders, enquiries, technical explanations. Bachelor, Master or Continuing Education? The course integrates the experiential and intellectual components of negotiation. Bachelor, Master or Continuing Education? See contact details below.For administrative issues, please, contact the Incoming Students Coordinator at International Office ( FH Salzburg App. Chancenreich. Comparing and contrasting business and technical processes. On the other hand they allow us to improve our content for you by saving and analyzing anonymized user data. Gefällt 603 Mal. The second half of the semester will be dedicated to personal projects, fom their conception to completion by the end of the semester. Course Title: Graphic Design Project (run by the MultiMediaArt Department) Course Code: MMAIDECOUENumber of Credits: 7,5 ECTSCourse Contents: Graphic Design Project is a hands on class teaching visual communication skills through a variety of , group activities exercises and lectures. Students prepare general conversation topics using relevant phrases. Fachhochschule Salzburg. Moreover, the course trains fundamental skills such as analytical thinking and communicative exchanges which form the basis for design management. The use of the passive voice in formal technical and scientific descriptions. The self directed project component will allow students to achieve this in a way that is relevant to their practical interests. Course Title: DaF 2 German as a foreign language 2 Course Code: IOSSDAF2UBNumber of Credits: 4 ECTSLanguage Level: A2 (CEFR)Contents: Course offered specifically for incoming students Syllabus to be fixed 2 hours after course start according to students’ requirements. Course Title: Photography in context (run by the MultiMediaArt Department) Course Code: MMAIMEMIUENumber of Credits: 7,5 ECTSExam Modalities: ProjectCourse Contents: Image and Text - beyond illustration: In the context of graphic design, images and text are usually reserved for representation and illustration. Course Title: Interdisciplinary Group Project Course Code: DPMM1IDPPTNumber of Credits: 7 ECTSObservation: Admission depends on portfolio and availability of places. They can present themselves individually or as a team. The students are able to apply their acquired knowledge in study projects. Art often finds itself harmonising design requirements and technical conditions, as well as the economic and ecological requirements of today's global world. The dimensions will be discussed through reflective activities and case studies to help students increase self-awareness and awareness of “others” and manage cross-cultural situations effectively. Course Title: DaF 3 German as a foreign language 3 Course Code: IOSSDAF3UBNumber of Credits: 4 ECTSLanguage Level: A2/B1 (CEFR)Contents: Course offered specifically for incoming students Syllabus to be fixed 2 hours after course start according to students’ requirements. Course Title: Accompanying Project Management 1 (Basic Skills & Teambuilding)Course Code: DPMM1PRMRCNumber of Credits: 1ECTSCourse Contents: Accompanying management training of the team leaders with a focus on constructing a team with meaningful and effective interventions in the various phases; creating suitable framework conditions for effective teamwork acquiring the most important leadership tools. Mit dem Fokus auf Innovation in Forschung und Lehre sowie der internationalen Orientierung wird die FH Salzburg zur … This symposium will therefore attempt to shed some light on the question of terminology and to sensitize participants to the questions behind professional ethics and sustainability. Frequently used design terminology, writing a CV. They are familiar with topics such as design theory, design strategy, design planning, design thinking, design leadership, design-oriented corporate culture and interdisciplinary cooperation. Find more information regarding cookies on our Data Protection Declaration and regarding us on the Imprint. Accordingly, from the third semester, you get to focus on one of these three main areas: We speak design: The professional field of Design & Product Management is extremely international. The result: exceptional products that not only flatter the eye but also come with the utmost ease of use. Course Title: Freehand Drawing Course Code: DPMM1ADAILNumber of Credits: 1 ECTSObservation: Restricted number of places available for Incoming students (5 places), also open for undergraduate students.Course Contents: Basics design sketching, analogue and digital. Das Masterstudium an der FH Salzburg bietet Ihnen eine methodische, wissenschaftliche und praktische Ausbildung in Bereichen wie Marketing & Branding, Design Leadership, Design Management, Business Modelling oder Design Testing. On the other hand they allow us to improve our content for you by saving and analyzing anonymized user data. A text provides written information, images provide visual information. You should read all the material assigned and participate on the discussion board at least 2-3 hours per week. Formulating product descriptions – practice in the use of adjectives and adverbs. Whether design theory, model building, or market research – our practical-based courses provide you with a wide range of skills and knowledge in furniture, industrial, and interior design during the first year of study. When it comes to both design and standard product management, design aspects must be closely nested in between functional requirements, taking into account a sustainable circular economy. Design und Produktmanagement an der FH Salzburg, Kuchl. 4 Bachelor Programmes | 5 Master Programmes, 5 Bachelor Programmes | 3 Master Programmes | Continuing Education, 3 Bachelor Programmes | 4 Master Programmes, 7 Bachelor Programmes | 4 Continuing Education, Admission Requirements for Bachelor Programmes, Admission Requirements for Master Programmes. Industrial Design Salzburg University of Applied Sciences. It focuses on a project in the field of Corporate Design and integrates the competencies of a wide range of student skill sets. This is a graduate level class and it will bring the same level of expectations for participation. Course Title: English 2 Course Code: DPMB2ENGUENumber of Credits: 2 ECTSLanguage Level: B1/B2 (CEFR)Course Contents: Expanding students’ vocabulary in a variety of specialised areas, for example: introduction to financial English, the language used in formal technical texts. The students have knowledge of design as a decisive differentiating factor in the business context. Oktober 2016, Campus Urstein: Fachhochschule Salzburg: 21.1.2016 10:00 FH Salzburg: Medien Brunch Plattform für Meinungs- und Ideenaustausch, für Visionen. In the best case, the project is developed further (eg. Designers, product managers, marketing experts – they all deal with a product's ideal development process every day. Workshop: Web-Design & Web-Development für AnfängerInnen und Fortgeschrittene In diesem Workshop zeigen wir euch die Grundlagen des Web-Designs und wie ihr eure eigenen Webseiten in HTML und Javascript programmiert. 1 talking about this. The projects are the best business card for the study programs: they show which competences are taught … Product management: marketing, strategy; 3. Students will constantly reflect on their experiences and become aware of their own cultural conditioning. Course Title: English 4 Course Code: DPMB4ENGUENumber of Credits: 2 ECTSLanguage Level: B2/C1 (CEFR)Course Contents: Business English – reading comprehensions relating to themes such as marketing and lifestyles, financial English, letter writing, emails. To make you competitive on a global level, our Bachelor's degree programme includes two mandatory foreign languages. Course Title: Second Foreign Language 1: Italian, Spanish, Swedish, Russian Course Codes: Italian: HTBB1ITAUE, DPMB1ITAUE Russian: HTBB1RUSUE Swedish: DPMB1SWEUE Spanish: HTBB1SPAUE, DPMB1SPAUENumber of Credits: 2 ECTSLanguage Level: A1 (CEFR)Course Contents: The use of everyday expressions and simple sentences, both spoken and written, in order to be able to describe people, places and countries, to be able to give a detailed account of themselves and their own environment, as well as the ability to express their objectives and interests. This website uses cookies. Course Title: Sales and Relationship ManagementCourse Code: DPMM2VRMILNumber of Credits: 2 ECTSCourse Contents: Types of sales, sales channels, logistics, after-sales and customer relationship management. Students of MMA, MMT, DPM and HCI upload their projects to this portfolio. Welcome to the overview of courses that the Design & Product Management Master Programme offers in English for incoming exchange students. Fachbereich für Geoinformatik - Z_GIS der Universität Salzburg: 13.10.2016 17:00 10 Jahre gesundheitswissenschaftliche Studiengänge an der FH Salzburg: Donnerstag, 13. Am Standort Campus Kuchl der FH Salzburg sind die Studiengänge Design & Produktmanagement, Holztechnologie & Holzbau/Holzwirtschaft sowie … Course Title: English 1 Course Code: DPMB1ENGUENumber of Credits: 2 ECTSLanguage Level: B1/B2 (CEFR)Course Contents: Introducing yourself and others in formal business situations – clarity, accuracy and verbal self-confidence. Used by DoubleClick (Google Tag Manager) to help identify the visitors by either age, gender or interests. The unit will explore the basic principles of visual communication, theoretically (in the lectures) and practically (through a group project consisting of several small individual activities, leading towards a single major outcome). An eye for aesthetics and a sense of functionality: nowadays, the requirements for modern design are tougher than ever. Competitive Intelligence is the practice of gathering and analyzing information about competitors in order to gain an advantage in the marketplace. An “A” will only be given for “exceptional performance.”  If you expect to get an A you must go above and beyond on a daily basis. Find more information regarding cookies on our Data Protection Declaration and regarding us on the Imprint. By means of anonymized data of website users we can optimize the user flow. Fachhochschule Salzburg. For further information on academic issues, courses, course selection and provisional learning agreements, please, contact the international coordinator of the Design & Product Management Programme, Ulrike Szigeti ( (FH) Lutz Dorsch M.BP. Course Title: Experiment & Attempt: Emotionally Durable DesignCourse Code: DPMM2EXVILNumber of Credits: 1 ECTSCourse Contents: As a process-related strategic step complementing the tried and tested product development structures, the experiment is being increasingly broadly applied. The final design draft is presented in the form of a virtual and physical model. Course Title: Photography in context (Mediacube) Course Code: MMAIMEMIUENumber of Credits: 7,5 ECTSCourse Contents: Image and Text - beyond illustration: In the context of graphic design, images and text are usually reserved for representation and illustration. Salzburg University of Applied Sciences offers its 2700 students a first-rate academic education with a strong practical orientation in the following disciplines: Engineering, Business and Social Sciences, Design, Media and Arts, and Health Studies. This course seeks to provide students with the skills, knowledge, and sensitivity required to become proactive problem-solvers of organizations no matter the context (Ethno Capability). With the help of these cookies we strive to improve our offer for our users. Those have two functions: On the one hand they are providing basic functionality for this website. Die FH Salzburg - praxisnah, forschungsstark und chancenreich - bietet ihren 2.700 Studierenden in den Disziplinen Ingenieurwissenschaften, Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Design, Medien & Kunst sowie Gesundheitswissenschaften eine akademische Top-Ausbildung mit hohem Praxisbezug. At best, these elements may be graphically manipulated to serve their illustrative purposes, but what happens when the context of an image is changed through the use of text? Innovative marine material and equipment Design & Product Management. 601 likes. Course Title: Second Foreign Language 4: Italian, Spanish, Swedish, Russian    Italian:          DPMB3ITAUE Russian:      HTBB3RUSUE Swedish:     DPMB3SWEUE Spanish:      DPMB3SPAUE                         HTBB3SPAUEObservation: Some of the foreign languages might not be offered in the upcoming term. This enables us to improve website content. Salzburg University of Applied Sciences offers its 2700 students a first-rate academic education with a strong practical orientation in the following disciplines: Engineering, Business and Social Sciences, Design, Media and Arts, and Health Studies. Product design, art direction: graphics, advertising; 2. Subscribe to the newsletter and get the latest information from FH Salzburg and about events! Values, traditions, customs and Austria’s culture in general will be explored in class discussions, interwiewing native Austrians and  by participating in excursions. Self-organised sesions with your Tandem partner. Die FH Salzburg bietet ihren 3.000 Studierenden in den Disziplinen "Ingenieurwissenschaften", "Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften", "Design, Medien & Kunst" sowie "Gesundheitswissenschaften" beste akademische Ausbildung mit hohem Praxisbezug. The portfolio is a showcase of our collective output. Imprint; Privacy Notice; About; Help No credit will be given for just a one line “I agree” statement. Fachhochschule Salzburg | 7,809 followers on LinkedIn | Praxisnah. Salzburg University of Applied Sciences offers design, media and arts programmes such as MultiMediaArt, MultiMediaTechnology, Human-Computer Interaction and Design & Product Management.